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di Len Kaminski

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Collects Iron Man (1968) #302, Darkhawk (1991) #35-37, Venom: The Madness (1993) #1-3, Venom: The Enemy Within (1994) #1-3, Incredible Hulk vs. Venom (1994) #1, Venom: The Mace (1994) #1-3, Nightwatch (1994) #5-6, Venom: Nights of Vengeance (1994) #1-4. The lethal protector continues his symbiotic crusade! When Venom bonds with a second parasitic life-form, will Eddie Brock succumb to the madness of yet another voice in his head - or can he conquer the enemy within? The bounty hunter Mace and the Sunrise Society may well bring an end to Eddie's vigilante career! If not, perhaps the demonic vigilante called Vengeance will be Venom's undoing when the Stalkers target the two dark warriors! Plus: The sinister symbiote clashes with some of Marvel's greatest powerhouses in super-powered showdowns with Iron Man, the Hulk, Darkhawk and Nightwatch. But can even Venom stop the Juggernaut?!.… (altro)
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Collects Iron Man (1968) #302, Darkhawk (1991) #35-37, Venom: The Madness (1993) #1-3, Venom: The Enemy Within (1994) #1-3, Incredible Hulk vs. Venom (1994) #1, Venom: The Mace (1994) #1-3, Nightwatch (1994) #5-6, Venom: Nights of Vengeance (1994) #1-4. The lethal protector continues his symbiotic crusade! When Venom bonds with a second parasitic life-form, will Eddie Brock succumb to the madness of yet another voice in his head - or can he conquer the enemy within? The bounty hunter Mace and the Sunrise Society may well bring an end to Eddie's vigilante career! If not, perhaps the demonic vigilante called Vengeance will be Venom's undoing when the Stalkers target the two dark warriors! Plus: The sinister symbiote clashes with some of Marvel's greatest powerhouses in super-powered showdowns with Iron Man, the Hulk, Darkhawk and Nightwatch. But can even Venom stop the Juggernaut?!.

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