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The President's Alien Princess (Warriors of the Lathar Book 18)

di Mina Carter

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Asleep in the ice for eons, she's woken by the prince she despises… Betrayed and forced into stasis after a coup sent her starship crashing onto an unknown planet, Imperial Navy Captain Lynara Varaant only expects to sleep a few years until rescue comes. Instead, she wakes 250,000 years later to find her lost crew evolved into the planet's inhabitants called humans, and the empire she knew changed beyond all recognition. When she meets Cameron Murphy, the handsome president of Earth, she despises him for his resemblance to the prince who betrayed her. But she can't get the sexy human, or the way his kisses make her burn, out of her mind… He freed her from frozen sleep, but her right hook said she wasn't looking for a prince. The moment Murphy sees Lynara, he knows she's his. She emerges ready to fight, but he sees past that to the woman within. A man with a dark past, he knows he doesn't deserve her, but he can't resist her… But his world fractures when Lynara is kidnapped by an unknown enemy, and he learns he's been decieved-Lynara's frozen ship held an apocalyptic superweapon, now stolen along with the woman from the past he's in love with. To save her and stop humanity being wiped out, he must make treacherous alliances, confront the twisted plans of an ancient Latharian purist, and once again step into the shadows to become the dangerous man he left behind long ago…… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daeetzel
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Asleep in the ice for eons, she's woken by the prince she despises… Betrayed and forced into stasis after a coup sent her starship crashing onto an unknown planet, Imperial Navy Captain Lynara Varaant only expects to sleep a few years until rescue comes. Instead, she wakes 250,000 years later to find her lost crew evolved into the planet's inhabitants called humans, and the empire she knew changed beyond all recognition. When she meets Cameron Murphy, the handsome president of Earth, she despises him for his resemblance to the prince who betrayed her. But she can't get the sexy human, or the way his kisses make her burn, out of her mind… He freed her from frozen sleep, but her right hook said she wasn't looking for a prince. The moment Murphy sees Lynara, he knows she's his. She emerges ready to fight, but he sees past that to the woman within. A man with a dark past, he knows he doesn't deserve her, but he can't resist her… But his world fractures when Lynara is kidnapped by an unknown enemy, and he learns he's been decieved-Lynara's frozen ship held an apocalyptic superweapon, now stolen along with the woman from the past he's in love with. To save her and stop humanity being wiped out, he must make treacherous alliances, confront the twisted plans of an ancient Latharian purist, and once again step into the shadows to become the dangerous man he left behind long ago…

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