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O Come, O Come, Emmanuel: A Liturgy for…
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O Come, O Come, Emmanuel: A Liturgy for Daily Worship from Advent to Epiphany (edizione 2023)

di Jonathan Gibson (Autore)

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"A daily guide that provides forty days of structured worship for individual use, with help from saints of the past, during the season of Advent"--
Titolo:O Come, O Come, Emmanuel: A Liturgy for Daily Worship from Advent to Epiphany
Autori:Jonathan Gibson (Autore)
Info:Crossway (2023), 432 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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O Come, O Come, Emmanuel: A Liturgy for Daily Worship from Advent to Epiphany di Jonathan Gibson

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First sentence: Christmas is my favorite time of year.

Premise/plot: O Come, O Come Emmanuel is a companion book to Jonathan Gibson's Be Thou My Vision (2021). The original provides readers with thirty days of liturgical daily worship. It weaves traditional liturgical elements with Scripture and church history. O Come, O Come Emmanuel has devotions for November 28th through January 6th. Is it absolutely necessary? Perhaps not. After all, one could simply use the original Be Thou My Vision in December and January like you have been doing the rest of the year. What has changed between the two books? The Scripture readings are specifically chosen for the season--about a chapter sometimes not even a full chapter. The catechism portion is reduced to those questions that specifically deal with the incarnation. The meditations are about the incarnation as well. But I would say the basic structure and most of the elements are exactly the same as the original. (I forgot to mention that each day has a 'song' to read or sing.)

Is this one more substantive than your average advent devotional? Probably. Is it more substantive than the original Be Thou My Vision? No. It's about the same. If you have the first book, this one is a luxury addition.

Scripture readings include:
Genesis 3:1-15
Genesis 22:1-19
Genesis 49:1-12
Numbers 24:1-19
Deuteronomy 18:1-22
2 Samuel 7:1-16
Psalm 2
Psalm 16
Psalm 45
Psalm 68
Psalm 89
Psalm 110
Psalm 118
Job 19
Isaiah 7:10-17; and Isaiah 9:1-7
Isaiah 11
Isaiah 40
Isaiah 42
Isaiah 49
Isaiah 50
Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Jeremiah 23:1-6; 33:14-26
Micah 5
Zechariah 9:9-17; 13:1-9; Malachi 3:1-4
Luke 1:26-56
Luke 1:57-80
Luke 2:1-21
Luke 2:22-40
Matthew 1:1-25
John 1:1-18
Colossians 1:1-20
Ephesians 3:1-12
Romans 1:1-17
Philippians 2:1-11
Isaiah 60
Hebrews 1
Hebrews 2
John 5
Psalm 72
Matthew 2 ( )
  blbooks | Nov 26, 2023 |
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"A daily guide that provides forty days of structured worship for individual use, with help from saints of the past, during the season of Advent"--

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