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The PARA Method: Simplify, Organize, and…
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The PARA Method: Simplify, Organize, and Master Your Digital Life (edizione 2023)

di Tiago Forte (Autore)

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This accessible guide expands upon the well-written, cogent, and useful (David Allen, author of Getting Things Done) bestselling Building a Second Brain with actionable advice on how to improve your digital life in just a few minutes. Living a modern life requires juggling a ton of information. But we were never taught how to manage this information effectively so that we can find what we need when we need it. In The PARA Method, Tiago Forte outlines a simple and intuitive four-step system that will help us sort all the information flooding our brains into four major categories -- Projects, Areas, Resources, and Archives -- allowing us to manage our commitments while achieving our goals and dreams.… (altro)
Titolo:The PARA Method: Simplify, Organize, and Master Your Digital Life
Autori:Tiago Forte (Autore)
Info:Atria Books (2023), 208 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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The PARA Method di Tiago Forte

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A neat idea, and one which I have implemented with some tweaks, but you can find all the information on Forte's website for free if you wish. I like a handy reference without getting distracted by the internet so this works for me. The concept seems too simple, but when you put some thought into it, it does actually work. Unlike many "filing systems" (I'm an information manager so this is my bread and butter) it's actually easy and simple for a non-technical person to implement and doesn't rely on dozens of layers of complexity. Check out the website if you think this is of interest to you first. ( )
  midnightblues | Sep 9, 2024 |
This is the follow-up book to Forte's "Building a Second Brain," and I believe the intent here was to expand on and explain some of the first book's concepts. Though there were some good tips in it, I don't think it was worth the shelf space because so much of it repeats the information in "BASB." If you've already read that one, I suggest waiting for your local library to stock a copy of "The PARA Method." I didn't really find anything groundbreaking here that can't be found on the Forte Labs website. ( )
  brunnyd | Oct 19, 2023 |
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This accessible guide expands upon the well-written, cogent, and useful (David Allen, author of Getting Things Done) bestselling Building a Second Brain with actionable advice on how to improve your digital life in just a few minutes. Living a modern life requires juggling a ton of information. But we were never taught how to manage this information effectively so that we can find what we need when we need it. In The PARA Method, Tiago Forte outlines a simple and intuitive four-step system that will help us sort all the information flooding our brains into four major categories -- Projects, Areas, Resources, and Archives -- allowing us to manage our commitments while achieving our goals and dreams.

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