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Elvis at 21: New York to Memphis

di Insight Editions

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In 1956, photographer Alfred Wertheimer was asked to photograph the then twenty-one-year-old Elvis Presley just as his career was about to explode. This book features the collection of photos taken by Wertheimer, offering a snapshot of the young Elvis Presley's remarkable rise to fame and his permanent status as the "King of Rock 'n' Roll."        In 1956, Alfred Wertheimer was asked by Presley's new label, RCA Victor, to photograph Elvis Presley's budding career just as it was about to take off in a way the world had never seen. With unimpeded access to the young performer, Wertheimer captured unguarded and everyday moments in Elvis's life during that crucial year. It was a year that took him from Tupelo, Mississippi, to the silver screen, the verge of international stardom, and his crowning as the "King of Rock 'n' Roll." As Wertheimer photographed Elvis during 1956, and again in 1958, he created classic images that are spontaneous, unrehearsed, and without artifice. A PIVOTAL YEAR: Dubbed the "King of Rock 'n' Roll" in 1956, 21-year-old Elvis, placed 17 songs on Billboard's Top 100 singles chart, including 3 singles that reached #1, appeared multiple prime-time TV variety shows, performed 143 times in 79 different cities, and released his first film, Love Me Tender EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: Dive into the complete collection of Alfred Wertheimer's photos of the young Elvis Presley as he tours from New York to Memphis, Tennessee PERFECT FOR ALL ELVIS FANS: Fans of all ages will enjoy this exclusive deep dive into Elvis's early life as he builds his career and shakes up the world of music GO BEHIND THE STAGE: Explore intimate and candid images captured after Elvis has left the building--backstage, writing, or reading fan mail from his admirers RENOWNED PHOTOGRAPHER AND AUTHOR: Experience the King of Rock 'n' Roll through the lens of famed Alfred Wertheimer, the photographer who captured every moment of the young star's early career… (altro)

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In 1956, photographer Alfred Wertheimer was asked to photograph the then twenty-one-year-old Elvis Presley just as his career was about to explode. This book features the collection of photos taken by Wertheimer, offering a snapshot of the young Elvis Presley's remarkable rise to fame and his permanent status as the "King of Rock 'n' Roll."        In 1956, Alfred Wertheimer was asked by Presley's new label, RCA Victor, to photograph Elvis Presley's budding career just as it was about to take off in a way the world had never seen. With unimpeded access to the young performer, Wertheimer captured unguarded and everyday moments in Elvis's life during that crucial year. It was a year that took him from Tupelo, Mississippi, to the silver screen, the verge of international stardom, and his crowning as the "King of Rock 'n' Roll." As Wertheimer photographed Elvis during 1956, and again in 1958, he created classic images that are spontaneous, unrehearsed, and without artifice. A PIVOTAL YEAR: Dubbed the "King of Rock 'n' Roll" in 1956, 21-year-old Elvis, placed 17 songs on Billboard's Top 100 singles chart, including 3 singles that reached #1, appeared multiple prime-time TV variety shows, performed 143 times in 79 different cities, and released his first film, Love Me Tender EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: Dive into the complete collection of Alfred Wertheimer's photos of the young Elvis Presley as he tours from New York to Memphis, Tennessee PERFECT FOR ALL ELVIS FANS: Fans of all ages will enjoy this exclusive deep dive into Elvis's early life as he builds his career and shakes up the world of music GO BEHIND THE STAGE: Explore intimate and candid images captured after Elvis has left the building--backstage, writing, or reading fan mail from his admirers RENOWNED PHOTOGRAPHER AND AUTHOR: Experience the King of Rock 'n' Roll through the lens of famed Alfred Wertheimer, the photographer who captured every moment of the young star's early career

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