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Valley Verified di Kyla Zhao
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Valley Verified (edizione 2024)

di Kyla Zhao (Autore)

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Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:When a fashion writer dives headfirst into the cutthroat Silicon Valley tech world, her future threatens to unravel in this addictive novel by Kyla Zhao, author of The Fraud Squad.
On paper, Zoe Zeng has made it in New York’s fashion world. After a string of unpaid internships, she’s now a fashion columnist at Chic, lives in a quaint apartment in Manhattan, and gets invited to exclusive industry events.
But life in New York City isn’t as chic as Zoe imagined. Her editor wants her to censor her opinions to please the big brands; she shares her “quaint” (read: small) apartment with three roommates who never let her store kimchi in the fridge; and how is she supposed to afford the designer clothes expected for those parties on her meager salary?
Then one day, Zoe receives a job offer at FitPick, an app startup based in Silicon Valley. The tech salary and office perks are sweet, but moving across the country and switching to a totally new industry? Not so much. However, with her current career at a dead end, Zoe accepts the offer and swaps high fashion for high tech, haute couture for HTML. But she soon realizes that in an industry claiming to change the world for the better, not everyone’s intentions are pure. With an eight-figure investment on the line, Zoe must find a way to revamp FitPick's image despite Silicon Valley’s elitism and her icy colleagues. Or the company’s future will go up in smoke—and hers with it.
… (altro)
Titolo:Valley Verified
Autori:Kyla Zhao (Autore)
Info:Berkley (2024), 384 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:california, library-book, fashion, romance, writing, asian, new-york

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Valley Verified di Kyla Zhao

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Loved the cover and the concept. I could relate to the premise as I have a background in fashion, am a professional writer, and lived in the San Francisco Bay Area during all the tech booms and busts.

This was an enjoyable, page-turning novel with a bit of romance. I liked the up-to-the-minute tech and social media elements, and the juxtaposition of fashion with tech, multicultural diversity with unemotional coding, female empowerment with honest friendships.

I found main character Zoe Zeng likable, as well as her two New York-based sidekicks. The plot thickened with intrigue and various people (who were the villains? who were friends?) as she moved to the Silicon Valley from New York to work at FitPick, an app startup.

The book offered depth and perspective as it explored themes of friendship, honesty, self-esteem, sexism and gender bias, work/life balance, career transitions, and imposter syndrome. There are stimulating discussion questions included, which would make this a great book club read. ( )
  PhyllisReads | May 15, 2024 |
I received a copy of this book for free from the publisher (Berkley) for promotional purposes.

This was such a fun and empowering story!

I love fashion and I grew up in the Silicon Valley so naturally I loved the premise and thought it was executed well. The portrayal of the fashion industry and the tech industry felt current and tackled issues commonly seen in today’s world (for example, influencers photoshopping their photos before posting them). I also enjoyed that it explored the loneliness of moving to a new city and being away from friends and family.

The pacing was excellent. The story never felt rushed or dragged out. The writing style was also easy to follow and engaging, making it a quick read.

I loved all the characters (minus the villain). The main character, Zoe, is so lovable and you can’t help but root for her to succeed. All her friends and co-workers were amazing as well. Austin, Bram, Lillian, Damien, Cassie, Bjorn. I loved them all! I particularly liked Zoe’s friendship with Bernadette.

Lastly, I liked the female solidarity and their team up at the end. It’s always great to see women supporting other women, especially in a male dominated field like tech.

Overall, if you’re looking for an entertaining read with strong female characters, consider checking this one out! ( )
  oddandbookish | Feb 9, 2024 |
Zoe Zeng is working at Chic magazine, and feeling unfulfilled. Her articles aren't getting the attention she believes they deserve, or she doesn't get approved to write what she wants. This changes when Bill Lawrence meets her at a fashion event, and offers her a job at his start-up, FitPick, in Silicon Valley. She moves across the country and tries to fit in with a group of tech savvy employees. She butts head with Lillian, the COO, thinking Lillian has it out for her.
Zoe meets Damien, CTO, of the company, and he befriends her, helping her find her way in the company. Then, Bill starts acting inappropriately, and tells Zoe they have to impress the financier. Zoe begins to get suspicious, and reaches out to her new friend, Bern, to help her to understand the information she has uncovered, and what it could mean for Zoe's career.
Cutthroat world of start-ups, MeToo vibes. Not your average romance. ( )
  rmarcin | Jan 17, 2024 |
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:When a fashion writer dives headfirst into the cutthroat Silicon Valley tech world, her future threatens to unravel in this addictive novel by Kyla Zhao, author of The Fraud Squad.
On paper, Zoe Zeng has made it in New York’s fashion world. After a string of unpaid internships, she’s now a fashion columnist at Chic, lives in a quaint apartment in Manhattan, and gets invited to exclusive industry events.
But life in New York City isn’t as chic as Zoe imagined. Her editor wants her to censor her opinions to please the big brands; she shares her “quaint” (read: small) apartment with three roommates who never let her store kimchi in the fridge; and how is she supposed to afford the designer clothes expected for those parties on her meager salary?
Then one day, Zoe receives a job offer at FitPick, an app startup based in Silicon Valley. The tech salary and office perks are sweet, but moving across the country and switching to a totally new industry? Not so much. However, with her current career at a dead end, Zoe accepts the offer and swaps high fashion for high tech, haute couture for HTML. But she soon realizes that in an industry claiming to change the world for the better, not everyone’s intentions are pure. With an eight-figure investment on the line, Zoe must find a way to revamp FitPick's image despite Silicon Valley’s elitism and her icy colleagues. Or the company’s future will go up in smoke—and hers with it.

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