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Children and the Martial Arts: An Aikido Point of View

di Gaku Homma

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24Nessuno977,208 (5)Nessuno
Following the approach of The English Legal System and Criminal Law, this text should be useful to pupils studying Tort as their A2 option. It should also be of interest as an introductory text for students of other law courses. Addressing all the specifications for AQA and OCR, this text provides students with comprehensive coverage of Tort law. This can be a difficult subject area, but the author assumes no previous knowledge and uses an accessible and clear writing style ensuring that complex issues are understood. Activities, exercises and exam questions for students of all abilities make the book interactive and ensure that students get the necessary practice for exam success. Key cases are highlighted for quick and easy reference, and key fact charts are provided to help students to review and consolidate the subject areas covered.… (altro)
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Following the approach of The English Legal System and Criminal Law, this text should be useful to pupils studying Tort as their A2 option. It should also be of interest as an introductory text for students of other law courses. Addressing all the specifications for AQA and OCR, this text provides students with comprehensive coverage of Tort law. This can be a difficult subject area, but the author assumes no previous knowledge and uses an accessible and clear writing style ensuring that complex issues are understood. Activities, exercises and exam questions for students of all abilities make the book interactive and ensure that students get the necessary practice for exam success. Key cases are highlighted for quick and easy reference, and key fact charts are provided to help students to review and consolidate the subject areas covered.

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