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The Golden Dreydl di Ellen Kushner
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The Golden Dreydl (originale 2007; edizione 2007)

di Ellen Kushner (Autore)

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933300,828 (3.6)1
Nun, Gimel, Hey, Shin Sara finds Chanukah celebrations boring. When her Tante Miriam arrives and gives her a Golden Dreydl, everything changes. The dreydl, an enchanted princess in disguise, takes Sara on a journey to a magical world. When the princess is taken by the Demon King, who possesses the power of the Tree of Life, it is Sara who must use her wit to save the princess and return her to her parents -- King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. A delightful holiday tale that weaves together threads of Jewish folklore and tradition with fantasy and humor.… (altro)
Titolo:The Golden Dreydl
Autori:Ellen Kushner (Autore)
Info:Charlesbridge (2007), 32 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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The Golden Dreydl di Ellen Kushner (2007)

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A discontented young girl is gifted an ornate dreidel which initially leads to trouble and leads her on an adventure. It didn't jell in any way for me. ( )
  quondame | Oct 2, 2022 |
A fun book that's geared more for a children's audience but can be read by anyone. It is a short, Hanukkah-inspired fairytale. The main character journeys to a magical world to save a princess. It's really cute, and it is heavily Jewish. ( )
  hissingpotatoes | Dec 28, 2021 |
Sarah is tired of the same old Hanukkah celebration every year. In fact, she’s tired of Hanukkah. At the family Hanukkah party, her strange Aunt Miriam shows up and gives her a golden dreydl. Sarah has to hide her disappointment. After getting in a fight with her brother and breaking the television screen, Sarah is more determined than ever that she doesn't like Hanukkah. But that night her dreydl turns into a girl and takes Sarah through the broken TV into another world. All of a sudden, the dreydl girl is kidnapped by a hoard of demons! What will Sarah do? Will she be kidnapped, too? Will she be able to rescue the dreydl girl? Will she ever get back home to her family? In The Golden Dreydl, readers will undertake a fantastic adventure meeting demons, fools and fantasy creatures. Young readers will enjoy the fantasy, and Jewish children with Christmas envy will find a kindred spirit in Sarah. #readukkah2015 ( )
  archivingmichele | Dec 14, 2015 |
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To my mom, who taught me Hebrew;  my dad, who read me The Thirteen Clocks; and Uncle Ron, who told me the jokes, this book is lovingly dedicated --E.K.
With love and appreciation to my family, who are my past, present, and future - L.W.-L.
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It was the holiday season, but Sara was not happy.
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Nun, Gimel, Hey, Shin Sara finds Chanukah celebrations boring. When her Tante Miriam arrives and gives her a Golden Dreydl, everything changes. The dreydl, an enchanted princess in disguise, takes Sara on a journey to a magical world. When the princess is taken by the Demon King, who possesses the power of the Tree of Life, it is Sara who must use her wit to save the princess and return her to her parents -- King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. A delightful holiday tale that weaves together threads of Jewish folklore and tradition with fantasy and humor.

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