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Hi, Pizza Man! di Virginia Walter
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"Hi, Pizza Man!" (edizione 1995)

di Virginia Walter (Autore)

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348677,123 (3.92)1
While a young girl waits for the delivery of a hot pizza, she provides the appropriate animal sounds for a variety of pretend animal pizza deliverers.
Titolo:"Hi, Pizza Man!"
Autori:Virginia Walter (Autore)
Info:Scholastic (1995)
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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"Hi, Pizza Man!" di Virginia Walter

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» Vedi 1 citazione rating: Approved
  MamaBearLendingDen | Nov 25, 2023 |
Picture books for children
Animal sounds
Pizzeria workers
  kmgerbig | Dec 29, 2022 |
Recommended by Stephanie W for pizza-themed storytime

A little girl is hungry, and her mother sympathizes, "It is so hard to wait." They spend the time imagining what will happen when the doorbell rings. Will it be a pizza man...or a pizza woman? Or a pizza kitty, dog, or duck? The progressively sillier suggestions are rendered in lush, realistic illustrations (see also: Little Elliot, Big City by Mike Curato).

See also: Pete's A Pizza by William Steig, World Pizza by Cece Meng ( )
  JennyArch | Aug 12, 2019 |
A young girl and her mother are waiting for their pizza to arrive and they are practicing how they will greet the pizza man or woman or animal.
1 book
  TUCC | Jan 11, 2017 |
Time Machine
Again, again! A Read-It-One-More-Time book, March 10, 2005

I am just so sorry that this book is out of print and soooo expensive. It is just wonderful and my kids (boy and girl; now 3 and 5) ask for it at least 3 times a year (and I know we would read it even more often if we owned a copy).

Principally, this is a story all about waiting for dinner to arrive. Little Vivian has been patient but now toys can no longer distract her, which is when Mom steps in to exercise a little imagination. She asks Vivian what she will say when the door bell rings and they open the door. Vivian answers, "Hi Pizza man". Mom then asks what she will do if it's not pizza man, but instead pizza woman. Real silliness ensues when the question becomes what will she say to pizza cat/dog/duck/cow/snake/dinosaur.

The pictures are rich, fun and exotic (by Ponder Goembel). Pizza Duck has jewelry, ear rings and a turban: very grand. Pizza Snake wears 3 bow ties and a bowler hat. Overall it is silly and imaginative fun, a great mental exercise for toddlers and adults alike. If you can't afford this steep price, look for it at the library.

Finally: "Ring, Ring!" Who is it? ( )
  PamFamilyLibrary | Jul 27, 2016 |
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While a young girl waits for the delivery of a hot pizza, she provides the appropriate animal sounds for a variety of pretend animal pizza deliverers.

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Media: (3.92)
1 1
2 1
3 7
3.5 4
4 11
4.5 4
5 9

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