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HCSB Study Bible, Black Genuine Leather Indexed

di Holman Bible Staff

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2011 ECPA Christian Book Award Winner! Developed in direct response to what consumer focus groups asked for, only one study Bible delivers more than you'd expect-right where you'd expect it.  When reading a passage in the Bible, you shouldn't have to wonder where to find supporting reference notes and commentary that go along with it. That's why the HCSB Study Bible-featuring approximately 15,000 study notes-is designed so that every clarifying resource is there on the same page spread as the biblical text to which it refers. You'll never again forget what you were looking for, because the pertinent note, map, chart, word study, or illustration is already there. And when an even deeper view is desired, there are also introductions for each book, outlines and timelines, a concordance, and more. For the growing believer whose desire is to know Scripture more intimately and live out its loving instruction, the HCSB Study Bible always keeps you and God on the same page. FEATURES 315 word studies Four-color presentation pages 141 photographs Two-column text setting 62 timelines Two-piece gift box (non-hardcover) 59 maps One-year Bible reading plan 24 articles Center column references 16 illustrations/reconstructions  Topical subheads 15 charts Black letter text… (altro)

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2011 ECPA Christian Book Award Winner! Developed in direct response to what consumer focus groups asked for, only one study Bible delivers more than you'd expect-right where you'd expect it.  When reading a passage in the Bible, you shouldn't have to wonder where to find supporting reference notes and commentary that go along with it. That's why the HCSB Study Bible-featuring approximately 15,000 study notes-is designed so that every clarifying resource is there on the same page spread as the biblical text to which it refers. You'll never again forget what you were looking for, because the pertinent note, map, chart, word study, or illustration is already there. And when an even deeper view is desired, there are also introductions for each book, outlines and timelines, a concordance, and more. For the growing believer whose desire is to know Scripture more intimately and live out its loving instruction, the HCSB Study Bible always keeps you and God on the same page. FEATURES 315 word studies Four-color presentation pages 141 photographs Two-column text setting 62 timelines Two-piece gift box (non-hardcover) 59 maps One-year Bible reading plan 24 articles Center column references 16 illustrations/reconstructions  Topical subheads 15 charts Black letter text

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