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Design Thinking and Innovation Metrics: Powerful Tools to Manage Creativity, OKRs, Product, and Business Success (Design Thinking Series)

di Michael Lewrick

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Create, manage, and measure innovation In Design Thinking and Innovation Metrics: Powerful Tools to Manage Creativity, OKRs, Product, and Business Success, bestselling author Michael Lewrick delivers a simple and straightforward playbook to manage and measure innovation. In the book, you'll learn how to utilize the design thinking paradigm for innovation success and how successful leaders manage Explore and Exploit portfolios to create impact. The author explains how to: Strategically employ data analytics, artificial intelligence, and neurodesign to drive innovation and business results Deploy Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) for innovation teams to realize true alignment between the business and team performance Use the provided hands-on tools to measure your firm's success at creating meaningfully new and interesting products, services, and experiences Part of the Design Thinking Series, Design Thinking and Innovation Metrics will earn a place in the libraries of managers, executives, product owners, innovation teams, entrepreneurs, and other business leaders.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dalizcovart, jsakchai, Tarheel668, Sungil, KevinEldon, Bumb
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Create, manage, and measure innovation In Design Thinking and Innovation Metrics: Powerful Tools to Manage Creativity, OKRs, Product, and Business Success, bestselling author Michael Lewrick delivers a simple and straightforward playbook to manage and measure innovation. In the book, you'll learn how to utilize the design thinking paradigm for innovation success and how successful leaders manage Explore and Exploit portfolios to create impact. The author explains how to: Strategically employ data analytics, artificial intelligence, and neurodesign to drive innovation and business results Deploy Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) for innovation teams to realize true alignment between the business and team performance Use the provided hands-on tools to measure your firm's success at creating meaningfully new and interesting products, services, and experiences Part of the Design Thinking Series, Design Thinking and Innovation Metrics will earn a place in the libraries of managers, executives, product owners, innovation teams, entrepreneurs, and other business leaders.

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