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Death Calls

di Caridad Piñeiro

Serie: The Calling (Book 4), The Calling Is Reborn (4)

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When FBI agent Diana Reyes fell in love with Ryder Latimer, she knew that there were things she would give up. For the passion her vampire lover brought into her life, it seemed a fair trade. Now she isn't so sure. The darkness vampires walk in wakes something inside her, something that frightens her even as it excites. Something that makes her wish for a more "normal" life. Ryder understands her fears...and has fears of his own: of losing her, of the void that would fill him without her. But when a case draws Diana into a purely human darkness, Ryder must make a decision: Can he let her go? Or will he step between her and death, no matter if she hates him afterward?… (altro)
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FBI agent Diana Reyes is trying to deal with her feelings for Ryder, her love of being human, her love of her job, her want to do what is right is fighting with her love of him and the lure of the supernatural.

So she asks for some space while she investigates death and destruction. He has to deal with some of the vampire politics going on but is determined that she should have what she wants from life. Even if that does mean letting her go.

It's sweet and the characters do have to deal with issues in their lives rather than ignoring them. The dicotomy between life as a human and unlife as a vampire is quite clear here. Also the characters came across as very in love as well as quite well drawn. ( )
  wyvernfriend | Sep 26, 2009 |
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When FBI agent Diana Reyes fell in love with Ryder Latimer, she knew that there were things she would give up. For the passion her vampire lover brought into her life, it seemed a fair trade. Now she isn't so sure. The darkness vampires walk in wakes something inside her, something that frightens her even as it excites. Something that makes her wish for a more "normal" life. Ryder understands her fears...and has fears of his own: of losing her, of the void that would fill him without her. But when a case draws Diana into a purely human darkness, Ryder must make a decision: Can he let her go? Or will he step between her and death, no matter if she hates him afterward?

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Media: (3.32)
2 3
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4 4
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