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The Red Zone (The League)

di Meg Reading

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12Nessuno1,660,891 (3)Nessuno
Arrogant. Insufferable. Maddening. Downright repulsive. According to Mae Garten, those were a few of the choice words she'd use to describe her long-standing sparing partner, October Calhoun. For her, the only thing worse than him dropping back into her life after seven years was him showing up at her home and asking--scratch that--begging for a place to live. Sure, she had a newly vacant pool house in her backyard she could offer him, but was doing so really worth losing her sanity over? With tensions between the two of them as high as ever, it was only right to relieve some of their pent up energy between the sheets. People always said there's a thin line between love and hate. It was only a matter of time before Mae and October found out how thin that line really was.… (altro)
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Arrogant. Insufferable. Maddening. Downright repulsive. According to Mae Garten, those were a few of the choice words she'd use to describe her long-standing sparing partner, October Calhoun. For her, the only thing worse than him dropping back into her life after seven years was him showing up at her home and asking--scratch that--begging for a place to live. Sure, she had a newly vacant pool house in her backyard she could offer him, but was doing so really worth losing her sanity over? With tensions between the two of them as high as ever, it was only right to relieve some of their pent up energy between the sheets. People always said there's a thin line between love and hate. It was only a matter of time before Mae and October found out how thin that line really was.

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