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Nightbane (The Lightlark Saga Book 2) di…
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Nightbane (The Lightlark Saga Book 2) (edizione 2023)

di Alex Aster (Autore)

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615439,864 (4.08)2
Fantasy. Romance. Thriller. Young Adult Fiction. You were once the bane of my existence ... and now, you are the center of it. Isla Crown has secured the love of two powerful rulers and broken the curses that plagued the six realms for centuries, but few know the true origins of her powers. Now, in the wake of a crushing betrayal, Isla finds herself hungry for distraction, preferring to frequent Lightlark's seductive haunts instead of embracing her duties as the newly crowned leader of two separate realms. Worse, her fellow rulers haven't ceded victory quietly, and there are others in Isla's midst who don't believe her ascent to power was earned. As certain death races toward Lightlark and secrets from the past begin to unravel, Isla must weigh her responsibility to her people against the whims of the most dangerous traitor of all: her heart.… (altro)
Titolo:Nightbane (The Lightlark Saga Book 2)
Autori:Alex Aster (Autore)
Info:Harry N. Abrams (2023), 416 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Nightbane di Alex Aster

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As soon as I finished this book, I had to go and look online to ensure that there was going to be a third book; you can't leave me hanging like that, ugh!

I enjoyed learning more about Isla's past and how she came to have her powers and why she was able to break the curse. I thought Isla's arc in this story was well thought out and I like how she is dealing with ruling two different groups.

Looking forward to reading Skyshade when it is released later this year. ( )
  Shauna_Morrison | Jun 23, 2024 |
The second book in the Lightlark series, this one picks up just where the first left us. The love triangle continues to be fraught, Isla continues to learn what her abilities can do, and secrets about their world abound. So, romantasy being romantasy. Are there some plot holes? Yes. Is the writing sometimes a little…silly? Most certainly. But the characters are great and the story is fun, so who cares that not everything makes perfect sense, and when the writing isn’t silver prose it’s still not the worst I’ve ever read by a lot shot. I’m declaring myself an Aster fan. ( )
  electrascaife | May 26, 2024 |
Took a while to get into and remember everything that went on in the prior book. Definitely one you would want to read straight after reading the first one. Definitely got into it!! And really enjoyed it and is a book that I can picture clearly. Not a fan of the ending, I know there is a third book coming but it ended so suddenly and randomly! ( )
  LouiseThompson | Mar 20, 2024 |
Nightbane (The Lightlark Saga, #2) by Alex Aster

The Centennial games are over and Isla is the leader of two realms. Not quite sure how she will handle her new responsibilities, she has a lot on her hands. Soon memories of her past creep upon her, as the past will collide with the present and affect the future.

Adding to her struggles she has two leaders in love with her. When the fate of those she cares about is in her hands, decisions won't come easy. Life is anything but simple as the saga continues.

Well developed complex characters, each with their own personalities, flaws and strengths. Descriptive narrative pulls you in and won't let (you) go. Moving at a steady pace with a mix of action, suspense, thrills and a splash of romance, I was hooked from the start.

Overall I found Nightbane enjoyable. I recommend to those 18+ who enjoy a fascinating fantasy. ( )
  SheriAWilkinson | Mar 2, 2024 |
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Fantasy. Romance. Thriller. Young Adult Fiction. You were once the bane of my existence ... and now, you are the center of it. Isla Crown has secured the love of two powerful rulers and broken the curses that plagued the six realms for centuries, but few know the true origins of her powers. Now, in the wake of a crushing betrayal, Isla finds herself hungry for distraction, preferring to frequent Lightlark's seductive haunts instead of embracing her duties as the newly crowned leader of two separate realms. Worse, her fellow rulers haven't ceded victory quietly, and there are others in Isla's midst who don't believe her ascent to power was earned. As certain death races toward Lightlark and secrets from the past begin to unravel, Isla must weigh her responsibility to her people against the whims of the most dangerous traitor of all: her heart.

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