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Courage, Dear Heart: A Coloring Book of Empowering Words from Inspirational Women

di Ink & Willow

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A coloring book based on the empowering words of inspirational women throughout history, from the team behind the bestselling and award-winning Whatever Is Lovely and Choose Joy With beautiful illustrations, inspirational quotes, and brief biographies, Courage, Dear Heart invites women to find strength in their community and discover courage by stepping into the calling God has uniquely ordained for them. The empowering coloring pages feature original designs from talented female artists and quotes from inspiring women in both the past and the present. Too often, women are made to believe they are "less than" when it comes to importance, worth, beauty, or ability. But this was never the message God intended them to receive. Rather, God has appointed us to purpose and strength and whispers words of courage and reassurance over us. We can be community-builders like Eve, warriors like Deborah, rescuers like Rahab, prophecy-fulfillers like Ruth, leaders like Esther, believers like Mary, teachers like Priscilla, prophetesses like Anna, and members of the great cloud of witnesses like so many of the women quoted in these pages. Features include- Large format 9.75" x 9.75" (25x25cm) perforated pages45 single-sided coloring pagesQuotes from the Bible, hymns, and a variety of inspirational women and speakers, such as Francine Rivers, Grace Cho, Julian of Norwich, Jennie Allen, Rosa Parks, Ruth Chou Simons, Corrie Ten Boom, and moreIllustrations by Holly Camp, Jennifer Tucker, Ann-Margret Hovsepian, Laura Marshall, and Bridget Hurley-all featured in Whatever Is Lovely and Choose Joy-as well as new artist Shannon Contreras Through the words in this coloring book, women will feel called to fulfill their own incredible purpose and mission-one of lifting their voices to make God's kingdom known on earth, one of loving and encouraging their communities well, and one of empowering those around them to do the same.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daDonnaDevlin, jaycolors808

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A coloring book based on the empowering words of inspirational women throughout history, from the team behind the bestselling and award-winning Whatever Is Lovely and Choose Joy With beautiful illustrations, inspirational quotes, and brief biographies, Courage, Dear Heart invites women to find strength in their community and discover courage by stepping into the calling God has uniquely ordained for them. The empowering coloring pages feature original designs from talented female artists and quotes from inspiring women in both the past and the present. Too often, women are made to believe they are "less than" when it comes to importance, worth, beauty, or ability. But this was never the message God intended them to receive. Rather, God has appointed us to purpose and strength and whispers words of courage and reassurance over us. We can be community-builders like Eve, warriors like Deborah, rescuers like Rahab, prophecy-fulfillers like Ruth, leaders like Esther, believers like Mary, teachers like Priscilla, prophetesses like Anna, and members of the great cloud of witnesses like so many of the women quoted in these pages. Features include- Large format 9.75" x 9.75" (25x25cm) perforated pages45 single-sided coloring pagesQuotes from the Bible, hymns, and a variety of inspirational women and speakers, such as Francine Rivers, Grace Cho, Julian of Norwich, Jennie Allen, Rosa Parks, Ruth Chou Simons, Corrie Ten Boom, and moreIllustrations by Holly Camp, Jennifer Tucker, Ann-Margret Hovsepian, Laura Marshall, and Bridget Hurley-all featured in Whatever Is Lovely and Choose Joy-as well as new artist Shannon Contreras Through the words in this coloring book, women will feel called to fulfill their own incredible purpose and mission-one of lifting their voices to make God's kingdom known on earth, one of loving and encouraging their communities well, and one of empowering those around them to do the same.

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