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The Believer

di Ann H. Gabhart

Serie: Shaker (2)

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When Elizabeth Duncan feels a strong attachment to a handsome young Believer named Ethan, life gets complicated. Will Elizabeth be forced to leave the Shaker community to keep Ethan from stumbling? Or will Ethan's love for her change their lives forever?
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Another great book by Ann Gabhart! I liked the characters and the storyline.
Elizabeth has nowhere to turn when her father suddenly dies. She remembers her father talking about the Shakers and how they took people in. She decides to go live there with her sister and brother. Ethan has just devoted his life to the Shaker way. He never had feelings for women until Elizabeth comes to live in his village. He fights the feelings that he's been taught are sinful. Elizabeth starts to have feelings for Ethan but doesn't want to be a stumbling block to him. Elizabeth and her sister decide to leave the village and Ethan finds himself missing her. He decides to follow his heart and he and Elizabeth start a new life together. ( )
  Sassyjd32 | Dec 22, 2023 |
  WBCLIB | Jun 5, 2023 |
This is a stand alone story in a series of stories, set in Harmony Hill, Kentucky in the 1800s, about the "Shaker people". It is interesting and sad as you read of how messed up these people were in their thinking.

Elizabeth Duncan has a younger brother and sister to care for when her parents die. Since they must flee unwanted advances from the man whose cabin they are living in, they seek out the "Believers" at Harmony Hill. Elizabeth goes there with her siblings in hopes that they will take them in for the Winter, and then they can find somewhere to go in the Spring. She didn't count on how hard it would be though for her and her sister to come under the demanding rules of the Shakers. Or the feelings she has for one particular Shaker, Ethan. Ethan has to battle his feelings also for Elizabeth and this is a story of how these two people have to determine what is best for them and to follow their heart. I well told story that sometimes had me very frustrated by the way some people followed a woman over the holy scriptures. ( )
  judyg54 | Oct 31, 2020 |
Kentucky: 1833. When Elizabeth Duncan's father dies suddenly, the young woman finds herself responsible for her brother Payton and sister Hannah. Her only option seems to be marriage to her father's landlord, an older man who frightens and repulses her. Praying for guidance, a packet of seeds falls from her Bible. Elizabeth remembers her father's description of the Shaker community where he bought the seeds: a peaceful village where no one in need is turned away. The Shakers welcome the Duncan family, but adapting to the strict religious community is difficult. Free spirit Hannah finds conforming almost impossible, and Elizabeth worries about her romantic feelings toward Ethan Boyd, a Shaker believer. Marriage is forbidden among Shakers.
From the hanging of chairs on pegs, to the separation of genders, to the stomping out of evil, Gabhart brings to life Shaker customs with respect and dignity. This is a well-written story, with engaging characters and melodious dialog. Gabhart clearly invokes the language of the past, capturing the respectful speech of the Shakers and differentiating it from regular nineteenth century conversation. The Believer is a page-turning romance, with danger, mystery, and thoughtful musings on the importance of religion and relationships. ( )
  elizabethcfelt | May 15, 2017 |
Good book,gave to lilly ( )
  cowlover1 | Jun 29, 2016 |
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Shaker (2)
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When Elizabeth Duncan feels a strong attachment to a handsome young Believer named Ethan, life gets complicated. Will Elizabeth be forced to leave the Shaker community to keep Ethan from stumbling? Or will Ethan's love for her change their lives forever?

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Media: (3.63)
1 2
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4 7
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