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The Great Book of Journaling: How Journal Writing Can Support a Life of Wellness, Creativity, Meaning and Purpose

di Eric Maisel, Lynda Monk (Autore)

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Writing. Language Arts. Reference. Nonfiction. HTML:Journaling Techniques for Growing, Healing, and Creativity

"When Lynda [Monk] talks about her own journaling practice, a spirit of flexibility infuses her approach." â??Rebecca Kochenderfer,

#1 Best Seller in Writing Skills Writing Guides

The Great Book of Journaling provides calming tools for quelling worry and anxiety from psychotherapist Eric Maisel. As well as expert writing tips from Lynda Monk, Director of the International Association for Journal Writing.

Journal Writing for High Self-Esteem. This is the next-generation book on journaling techniques that introduces a younger generation to the immense benefits of journaling and provides all journal writers with the tools they need to grow, heal, and deepen their personal writing experience.

Utilize Therapeutic Writing. Journal writing can promote individual healing, creativity, and community-building. The Great Book of Journaling offers multiple perspectives on journaling techniques in an easy-to-use, practical format, along with providing a comprehensive introduction to various techniques and methods for deepening your personal writing.

Learn from the Best. We've rounded up 40 of the top journal experts in the world to explain exactly what journal writing can do for you! The Great Book of Journaling is full of practical tips, evidence-based research, and rich anecdotes from their coaching, teaching, therapy work with journal writers, or their personal journal writing.

The Great Book of Journaling can help:

  • Create high self-esteem, self-love, and self-confidence
  • Improve your health and your sense of wellbeing
  • Calm your worry and anxiety
  • Serve your creative needs
  • Deepen your personal writing
  • Readers of books on journal writing such as Mindfulness Journal, The Self-Discovery Journal, or No Worries will love The Great Book of Journaling.… (altro)

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    Monk, LyndaAutoreautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
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    Writing. Language Arts. Reference. Nonfiction. HTML:Journaling Techniques for Growing, Healing, and Creativity

    "When Lynda [Monk] talks about her own journaling practice, a spirit of flexibility infuses her approach." â??Rebecca Kochenderfer,

    #1 Best Seller in Writing Skills Writing Guides

    The Great Book of Journaling provides calming tools for quelling worry and anxiety from psychotherapist Eric Maisel. As well as expert writing tips from Lynda Monk, Director of the International Association for Journal Writing.

    Journal Writing for High Self-Esteem. This is the next-generation book on journaling techniques that introduces a younger generation to the immense benefits of journaling and provides all journal writers with the tools they need to grow, heal, and deepen their personal writing experience.

    Utilize Therapeutic Writing. Journal writing can promote individual healing, creativity, and community-building. The Great Book of Journaling offers multiple perspectives on journaling techniques in an easy-to-use, practical format, along with providing a comprehensive introduction to various techniques and methods for deepening your personal writing.

    Learn from the Best. We've rounded up 40 of the top journal experts in the world to explain exactly what journal writing can do for you! The Great Book of Journaling is full of practical tips, evidence-based research, and rich anecdotes from their coaching, teaching, therapy work with journal writers, or their personal journal writing.

    The Great Book of Journaling can help:

    Create high self-esteem, self-love, and self-confidence Improve your health and your sense of wellbeing Calm your worry and anxiety Serve your creative needs Deepen your personal writing

    Readers of books on journal writing such as Mindfulness Journal, The Self-Discovery Journal, or No Worries will love The Great Book of Journaling.

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