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The Holman Ultrathin Bible Classic Edition: Holman Christian Standard , Pecan, Bonded Leather

di Broadman & Holman Publishers

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Now for the first time, the Holman CSB(r) is available in these elegant Ultra Thin Classic Editions. Two elegant options are available: a rich looking glazed calf-grain leather binding or, ask about our handsome duotone binding. The complete edition of the translation so accurate, yet so inspiring to read, it literally sets the standard for generations to come. Twenty years in the making, the Holman Christian Standard Bible is the work of 100 scholars from around the world collaborating online, in real time with the benefits of the best technology that has ever been used in the service of Bible translation. The Holman CSB(r) rushes to cut through communication filters and delivers the subject at hand in a very understandable and comfortable manner. Holman, America's first Bible publisher, pioneered in the development of an Ultra Thin Bible, over two decades ago by finding just the right paper and a type face that made possible the optimal combination of clarity and portability.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daWally79

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Now for the first time, the Holman CSB(r) is available in these elegant Ultra Thin Classic Editions. Two elegant options are available: a rich looking glazed calf-grain leather binding or, ask about our handsome duotone binding. The complete edition of the translation so accurate, yet so inspiring to read, it literally sets the standard for generations to come. Twenty years in the making, the Holman Christian Standard Bible is the work of 100 scholars from around the world collaborating online, in real time with the benefits of the best technology that has ever been used in the service of Bible translation. The Holman CSB(r) rushes to cut through communication filters and delivers the subject at hand in a very understandable and comfortable manner. Holman, America's first Bible publisher, pioneered in the development of an Ultra Thin Bible, over two decades ago by finding just the right paper and a type face that made possible the optimal combination of clarity and portability.

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