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Havoc Killed Her Alpha
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Havoc Killed Her Alpha

Serie: Poisonverse (1)

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Never again will I be that little girl who dreamed of a pack to sweep her off her feet.... I'm the omega who killed my alpha. The day I found my mates, I thought I'd found my home at last. Instead, I was kept from them and left to suffer. For months I clung to scraps of information, and I fell in love with each of them-Angel, Kai, Caspian, and Bane. But when my worst nightmare came, I faced it alone. Found beside my alpha's body, my pack has claimed me at last. But they're too late. Now, I'm trapped in their home with them. My mates. But there's no happily ever after, because it won't matter to them if I had a choice or not. The man I killed was their pack brother, and they hate me for what I've done. And it's up to these four men to decide my fate.... This is a spicy adult stand-alone HEA where the Havoc doesn't have to choose between lovers (MMFMM). It contains dark themes, adult language, intimidation, violence, and triggering situations detailed in front of the book. For mature listeners.… (altro)
Titolo:Havoc Killed Her Alpha
Info:Publisher Unknown, digital
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Havoc Killed her Alpha di Marie Mackay

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A liked this dark and twisted version of an AbO story. There were SO many effed up things going many secrets...blackmail...killings...the works! And yet we still end up really liking our Omega and her chosen pack. A really good read ( )
  nomadreads | Nov 2, 2023 |
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Never again will I be that little girl who dreamed of a pack to sweep her off her feet.... I'm the omega who killed my alpha. The day I found my mates, I thought I'd found my home at last. Instead, I was kept from them and left to suffer. For months I clung to scraps of information, and I fell in love with each of them-Angel, Kai, Caspian, and Bane. But when my worst nightmare came, I faced it alone. Found beside my alpha's body, my pack has claimed me at last. But they're too late. Now, I'm trapped in their home with them. My mates. But there's no happily ever after, because it won't matter to them if I had a choice or not. The man I killed was their pack brother, and they hate me for what I've done. And it's up to these four men to decide my fate.... This is a spicy adult stand-alone HEA where the Havoc doesn't have to choose between lovers (MMFMM). It contains dark themes, adult language, intimidation, violence, and triggering situations detailed in front of the book. For mature listeners.

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