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FEVER HOUSE di (Novelist) Keith Rosson
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FEVER HOUSE (edizione 2023)

di (Novelist) Keith Rosson

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"When leg-breaker Hutch Holtz rolls up to a rundown apartment complex in Portland, Oregon to collect overdue drug money, a severed hand is the very last thing he expects to find stashed in the client's refrigerator. Hutch quickly realizes that the hand induces uncontrollable madness: anyone in its proximity is overcome with a boundless compulsion for violence. Within hours, catastrophic forces are set into motion: dark-op government agents who want the hand for themselves are on Hutch's tail, more and more of the city's residents fall under the hand's influence and roam the streets as bloodthirsty beings, and the entire world stands at the precipice of apocalypse... But it's all the same for Katherine Moriarty, a singer whose sudden fame and precipitous downfall were followed by the mysterious death of her estranged husband-suicide, allegedly. The traumas she's experienced have made her an agoraphobe, shackled within the confines of her apartment. Her son, Nick, has moved home to care for her, quietly making his living as the middleman for Hutch's boss, who loves odd, rare, sometimes illegal objects. When Hutch calls Nick in distress, looking for someone else to take possession of the hand, mother and son are looped into a global struggle that threatens to decimate the precarious safety they've so painfully built. Katherine and Nick must evade both zombielike fevered ones and deceitful government agents, while exorcising family secrets that have risen from the dead-secrets, they soon discover, that might hold the very key to humanity's survival"--… (altro)
Autori:(Novelist) Keith Rosson
Info:Random House, [2023]
Collezioni:SF & Fantasy
Etichette:HC, DJ, 1E1p, Sig

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Fever House: A Novel di Keith Rosson

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Big city crime boss.
Shadowy, off-the-books government agency.
Collectors of eccentric, odd things.
Massive corporate military suppliers.
Rock 'n' roll.

Holy shit.

This book should not work. This is like not knowing what to make for dinner, and just making random grabs from cupboard and fridge contents and throwing it you end up with eggs and Jell-O and soya sauce and icing sugar.

But, damned if Rosson doesn't just make it work, but he utterly smokes the concept.

The other thing that shouldn't work for me is zombies. I dislike zombies, because they're mostly really boring to me. But, much like THE WALKING DEAD, Rosson knows that, if used sparingly and more as a trigger for other things, they can be effective.

Seriously, this book truly blew me away. Rosson takes a lot of care with his characters, and the plotting is both intricate and unguessable. This is easily in the top five horror novels I've read this year, and it may be the top one (we'll see when I read the follow-up in a couple of months).

But yeah, I haven't read a lot like this, but if I must compare it to something, I'd compare it to the best of John Skipp and Craig Spector's co-authored works, but more complex and intricately plotted.

Brilliant stuff. Easiest five stars I've given this year. ( )
  TobinElliott | Aug 24, 2024 |
Brutal, gritty and disturbing. Reader be warned ( )
  Melline | Oct 24, 2023 |
Can I erase reading this book from my memory so I can go back and read it again for the first time?

My favorite part about Keith's books is that with each one I never know what adventure he is going to take me on, but it's going to be introspective, character driven, and some sort of 6 degrees of separation type insanity. I live for this web of connections, and this book does not disappoint.

Each character is broken in their own way, trying to make the best decisions they can to reach their personal end goals, and it all blows up in ways that weave them all closer together. It's magically tragic in all the right ways. Each time a POV character died I internally screamed because I thought for sure they'd be the one to make it to the end. Keith humanizes everyone throughout this morally grey nightmare of events. Leaving me rooting for even the so called villain's of the story.

When Nick answers the phone my heart stopped. I am at a loss for where a sequel will take us but I can't come soon enough because that ending. Wow. While it's a cliffhangers straight from a book lovers nightmare, this overall story is stand alone. Everything to come after this, is a whole new can of worms that deserves it's own book, and after this blood bath, I'm going to assume it's own set of characters. Kidding. . . some people survive.

You'll love this book if you enjoy post post-apocalyptic type books, but from the perspective of ground zero, and getting the inside view from all the various sides with deep character builds.

Thank you to Net Galley for a copy of this book! ( )
  SabethaDanes | Aug 31, 2023 |
"You shall make me a house of fever and wounds. A house of beetle and crow. A house of worms. A house of hounds that savage forever at the belly of love and take root there, devouring."

A criminal trying to collect drug money ends up instead discovering a severed hand. And very quickly it becomes clear that this is no ordinary hand. It incites everyone near into terrible violence.

Meanwhile a secret government agency is torturing "Saint Michael" who knows more about the hand than he's willing to tell them.

This is a huge cast of characters with multiple POVs. The story flips between them rapidly and I found it somewhat confusing, and not all the scenes felt really necessary.

This story is also very dark and violent, I can see that that has affected other reviews.. but it didn't bother me! 😆

Overall I did enjoy this, a 3.5 star read.

Thank you random house publishing group and netgalley for giving me an advanced review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  mlipman | May 14, 2023 |
Wow. Just Wow. What a wild ride this book was. It's dark and twisted in a really delicious way. It kept me guessing. This really speaks to the downfall of humanity. Even when secret government agencies set out to keep us safe, pride and ego will usually win out to the detriment of us all. Evil lives in this literary tour de force. It's got everything you could ever want; action, horror, supernatural forces, secret government agencies, zombie mobs, etc. Need I say more?! ( )
  Chef_Page_Mage | Apr 3, 2023 |
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"When leg-breaker Hutch Holtz rolls up to a rundown apartment complex in Portland, Oregon to collect overdue drug money, a severed hand is the very last thing he expects to find stashed in the client's refrigerator. Hutch quickly realizes that the hand induces uncontrollable madness: anyone in its proximity is overcome with a boundless compulsion for violence. Within hours, catastrophic forces are set into motion: dark-op government agents who want the hand for themselves are on Hutch's tail, more and more of the city's residents fall under the hand's influence and roam the streets as bloodthirsty beings, and the entire world stands at the precipice of apocalypse... But it's all the same for Katherine Moriarty, a singer whose sudden fame and precipitous downfall were followed by the mysterious death of her estranged husband-suicide, allegedly. The traumas she's experienced have made her an agoraphobe, shackled within the confines of her apartment. Her son, Nick, has moved home to care for her, quietly making his living as the middleman for Hutch's boss, who loves odd, rare, sometimes illegal objects. When Hutch calls Nick in distress, looking for someone else to take possession of the hand, mother and son are looped into a global struggle that threatens to decimate the precarious safety they've so painfully built. Katherine and Nick must evade both zombielike fevered ones and deceitful government agents, while exorcising family secrets that have risen from the dead-secrets, they soon discover, that might hold the very key to humanity's survival"--

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