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Mating Games (Wolf Hollow Shifters, #2)

di Nikki Jefford

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When resistance turns to desire, all bets are off. Beautiful and vivacious wolf shifter, Jordan spurns the match her father is pushing between her and the swaggering mammoth, Raider. She'd happily let one of her fawning sisters have him, but her packmates are taking bets on who Raider will ultimately claim. Jordan wants nothing to do with the insufferable beast. All brawn and no brains, that's what most male shifters think when they see Raider. The females treat him as a strong, attractive prize they want to sink their claws into. Only one female avoids him, which is fine by him until they are paired up for patrol. The hot-blooded she-wolf doesn't have to like him, but she'll have to find a way to perform her duties. Entangled in a web of deceit . . . and desire. When Jordan's life is threatened, along with several packmates, the mating games take a dangerous turn. Something sinister is happening in Wolf Hollow and outside forces threaten to rip the destined pair apart. Contains mature themes.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dabiancawhite, AnaCarter
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When resistance turns to desire, all bets are off. Beautiful and vivacious wolf shifter, Jordan spurns the match her father is pushing between her and the swaggering mammoth, Raider. She'd happily let one of her fawning sisters have him, but her packmates are taking bets on who Raider will ultimately claim. Jordan wants nothing to do with the insufferable beast. All brawn and no brains, that's what most male shifters think when they see Raider. The females treat him as a strong, attractive prize they want to sink their claws into. Only one female avoids him, which is fine by him until they are paired up for patrol. The hot-blooded she-wolf doesn't have to like him, but she'll have to find a way to perform her duties. Entangled in a web of deceit . . . and desire. When Jordan's life is threatened, along with several packmates, the mating games take a dangerous turn. Something sinister is happening in Wolf Hollow and outside forces threaten to rip the destined pair apart. Contains mature themes.

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