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Every Duke Has His Day di Suzanne Enoch
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Every Duke Has His Day (edizione 2023)

di Suzanne Enoch (Autore)

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678406,940 (4.37)2
"Brain meets Beauty in this sparkling, fresh take on the classic Bringing Up Baby - if Jane Austen had written it! A romantic comedy with a dash of chaos featuring the most ill-behaved poodle in Regency London, by New York Times bestseller Suzanne Enoch. Michael Bromley, Duke of Woriton, has a passion, but it's not for chasing ladies or gambling till dawn. No, his is the far more dangerous pursuit of the science of chemistry. He may be a tad eccentric, but he can navigate a society ballroom, and manage a polite conversation-if he must. He's certainly capable of taking care of his aunt's perfectly behaved poodle, Lancelot, while she's on holiday. Elizabeth "Bitsy" Dockering, third daughter of a viscount, is enjoying her second, spectacular Season in London. She is a Diamond of the Season and is adored by all-and especially by her precious black poodle, Galahad. To everyone else, however, Galahad is a demon dog. So much so that Bitsy's most insistent beau and particular victim of Galahad's bad manners, has hired a thief to steal the dog, clearing the way for his suit. But none of them can plan for a chaotic encounter in the park, resulting in lost notes, a soaking in the Serpentine and an accidental dog swap...and Lancelot being kidnapped instead of Galahad! Determined to locate the dog, Michael isn't thrilled to be saddled with a flighty female insisting on helping-except that Bitsy has a great deal more sense than he expected. And a sharp tongue to match. Still, what's a scientist to do but continue to pursue an outcome, however unexpected it may be? But chemistry is all about attraction, and this is one formula with some hilariously romantic results"--… (altro)
Titolo:Every Duke Has His Day
Autori:Suzanne Enoch (Autore)
Info:Griffin (2023), 320 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, Preferiti

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Every Duke Has His Day di Suzanne Enoch

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Book Review: Every Duke Has His Day
Stars: 3.5 x 5
Author: Suzanne Enoch
Publisher: Griffin
Thank you @netgalley for this ARC

Michael Blumley is the Duke of Loriton. He is not interested in any type of Society outings or forays. What he wants is his to focus his time on his science projects with electricity and hydrogen experiments. Michael is a loving nephew. He agrees to care for and walk for his aunt’s dog Lancelot. He is that “absent-minded professor” as a the first day he was walking Lancelot he walked right into a pond.

Elizabeth Dockering aka ”Bitsy” is a lovely debutante who is spending another season in London. She has a dog names Galahad. It so happens that during Michael and Lancelot’s first walk he meets Bitsy and Galahad. Both Lancelot and Galahad are both black poodles. The end being mixed up and each goes home with the wrong owner. Michael ends up realizing he had the wrong dog. He heads over to Bitsy’s to return Galahad and get Lancelot but Lancelot has been kidnapped.
Michael and Bitsy end up working together to get Lancelot back.. As the two of them get to know each other, Michael realizes Bitsy is smarter then she appears.
The story of the two them looking for Lancelot is just funny and chaotic. They both end up realizing that their may be more to their relationship then they they were expecting. Will they find Lancelot and will they go from friends to lovers?

I enjoyed this historical comedic romance. The story is filled with sweet characters that are amusing and colorful plus it is a delightful read.

#historicalromance #historicalromancereader #romance #romancemystery #duke
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  Kimberly103164 | Feb 22, 2024 |
This was a really cute dog themed historcal, i don't think i ever read a historical that had many male POV AND NO female and it was a fun read. i LOVED the dog element and it was a super quick listen as well! I would def check out more of this authors books!! ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
This was a really cute dog themed historcal, i don't think i ever read a historical that had many male POV AND NO female and it was a fun read. i LOVED the dog element and it was a super quick listen as well! I would def check out more of this authors books!! ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
Every Duke Has His Day by Suzanne Enoch
Historical romance.
Michael Blumley is he Duke of Loriton. He spends his time on science rather than society frivolities. He agrees to care for his aunt’s black poodle Lancelot, while she’s away visiting his friend, as long as he agrees to take the dog on walks. With his mind on electricity and his hydrogen experiments, the first walk with the dog ended up with him and his dog in a pond.
Elizabeth “Bitsy” Dockering is enjoying her second Season in London. Her black poodle Galahad goes with her on most social outings but he’s not quite as friendly and ends up getting kidnapped just so one man could get closer to Bitsy. Except Galahad and Lancelot had been switched in the pond incident causing chaos all around.

Enjoyable with some amusing incidents between Michale and Bitsy as well as with secondary kidnapper Jimmy Bly as he cares for the two poodles. Michael turns out to be quite the hero as he’s able to draw more out of Bitsy than social nonsense.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley and the publisher. ( )
  Madison_Fairbanks | Sep 23, 2023 |
You had me at the reference to Bringing Up Baby. Well, you actually had me when I learned that the fabulous, fantastic, funny Suzanne Enoch was the author. With Every Duke Has His Day she continues her unbroken successful string of books that make me laugh and swoon and just love them so much I can’t stop turning pages but also don’t want to leave these endearing characters at the story’s end.

Science-minded Michael Bromley, the Duke of Woriton, might seem a little odd and boring on the surface, but we – and Elizabeth “Bitsy” Dockering, third daughter of a viscount very much enjoying her second Season in London – soon find out that is not the case. Not the case at all. But the dogs Lancelot and Galahad (great names, by the way) are the real stars of the story. Michael is nonchalant about watching Lancelot while his aunt is away. He’s a scientist for heaven’s sake. How hard can taking care of a dog be? Galahad is sweet, loving and absolutely adorable. Well, to Bitsy – and ONLY to Bitsy. When Bitsy’s dastardly suitor hatches a plan to kidnap Galahad we’re off and running, with a slapstick plot that is indeed reminiscent of Bringing Up Baby via Jane Austen, involving opposites that aren’t all that opposite after all, some humor, some heat, and a delightful romp to a delightful HEA.

Thanks to St. Martin’s Press for providing an advance copy of Every Duke Has His Day via NetGalley for my reading pleasure and honest opinion. Pleasure is an understatement; I loved this book and can’t wait to see what Enoch comes up with next. I voluntarily leave this review; all opinions are my own. ( )
  GrandmaCootie | Sep 19, 2023 |
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"Brain meets Beauty in this sparkling, fresh take on the classic Bringing Up Baby - if Jane Austen had written it! A romantic comedy with a dash of chaos featuring the most ill-behaved poodle in Regency London, by New York Times bestseller Suzanne Enoch. Michael Bromley, Duke of Woriton, has a passion, but it's not for chasing ladies or gambling till dawn. No, his is the far more dangerous pursuit of the science of chemistry. He may be a tad eccentric, but he can navigate a society ballroom, and manage a polite conversation-if he must. He's certainly capable of taking care of his aunt's perfectly behaved poodle, Lancelot, while she's on holiday. Elizabeth "Bitsy" Dockering, third daughter of a viscount, is enjoying her second, spectacular Season in London. She is a Diamond of the Season and is adored by all-and especially by her precious black poodle, Galahad. To everyone else, however, Galahad is a demon dog. So much so that Bitsy's most insistent beau and particular victim of Galahad's bad manners, has hired a thief to steal the dog, clearing the way for his suit. But none of them can plan for a chaotic encounter in the park, resulting in lost notes, a soaking in the Serpentine and an accidental dog swap...and Lancelot being kidnapped instead of Galahad! Determined to locate the dog, Michael isn't thrilled to be saddled with a flighty female insisting on helping-except that Bitsy has a great deal more sense than he expected. And a sharp tongue to match. Still, what's a scientist to do but continue to pursue an outcome, however unexpected it may be? But chemistry is all about attraction, and this is one formula with some hilariously romantic results"--

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