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This Guy: Portraits of Modern Men’s Style

di Jamie Ferguson

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This beautiful photographic collection is a celebration of modern menswear. In it, photographer Jamie Ferguson profiles men from the fashion industry, covering a range of ages, geographical locations and personal styles. Each of the men profiled works in menswear, but enjoys passions of his own. Tommaso Capozzoli (Sales Director) is also a rower who belongs to an exclusive club whose headquarters sit below the Ponte Vecchio in Florence; Hooman Majd is a world renowned Iranian-American journalist and author; Michael Hill is the founder and creative genius behind Drake's haberdashery in London, New York, Seoul and Tokyo, Simon Crompton is a keen cyclist, and Antonio Ciongoli a gifted skateboarder. This Guy captures not only their impeccable style from London, Paris, New York, Stockholm, Tokyo and Rome but also the lives that made them. Full of aspirational life stories, beautiful photography, and cutting-edge fashion,This Guy is the perfect luxury coffee-table book for anyone who appreciates the finer things in life.… (altro)
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This beautiful photographic collection is a celebration of modern menswear. In it, photographer Jamie Ferguson profiles men from the fashion industry, covering a range of ages, geographical locations and personal styles. Each of the men profiled works in menswear, but enjoys passions of his own. Tommaso Capozzoli (Sales Director) is also a rower who belongs to an exclusive club whose headquarters sit below the Ponte Vecchio in Florence; Hooman Majd is a world renowned Iranian-American journalist and author; Michael Hill is the founder and creative genius behind Drake's haberdashery in London, New York, Seoul and Tokyo, Simon Crompton is a keen cyclist, and Antonio Ciongoli a gifted skateboarder. This Guy captures not only their impeccable style from London, Paris, New York, Stockholm, Tokyo and Rome but also the lives that made them. Full of aspirational life stories, beautiful photography, and cutting-edge fashion,This Guy is the perfect luxury coffee-table book for anyone who appreciates the finer things in life.

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Jamie Ferguson è un Autore di LibraryThing, un autore che cataloga la sua biblioteca personale su LibraryThing.

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