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Monet Mitchell di Marianne Mathieu
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Monet Mitchell (edizione 2023)

di Marianne Mathieu (Autore)

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Establishes a dialogue between Claude Monet's late works and Joan Mitchell's paintings, exploring the parallels between two artists who lived and worked in the same area outside of Paris at different moments in time Monet - Mitchell explores the artistic parallels between Joan Mitchell (1925-1992) and Claude Monet (1840-1926), who lived and worked in the same area outside of Paris at different moments in time, responding to a shared landscape. Mitchell achieved recognition in the New York scene in the 1950s before gradually settling in Paris at the end of the decade and establishing her studio in 1968 in Vétheuil--where Monet lived for several years. The book establishes a dialogue between Monet's late works and Mitchell's paintings following her move to France and the 24 years she spent living and working around Monet's former residence. The publication includes numerous works by both artists and brings together two exceptional ensembles--Monet's Agapanthus triptych and Joan Mitchell's Grande Vallée, a unique and major cycle of 21 paintings. Essays explore the significance of Mitchell's work from this key moment in her career and the significance of the later paintings of Monet. Distributed for Editions Hazan, Paris Exhibition Schedule: Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris (October 5, 2022-February 27, 2023)… (altro)
Titolo:Monet Mitchell
Autori:Marianne Mathieu (Autore)
Info:Editions Hazan, Paris (2023), 238 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Monet Mitchell di Marianne Mathieu

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Establishes a dialogue between Claude Monet's late works and Joan Mitchell's paintings, exploring the parallels between two artists who lived and worked in the same area outside of Paris at different moments in time Monet - Mitchell explores the artistic parallels between Joan Mitchell (1925-1992) and Claude Monet (1840-1926), who lived and worked in the same area outside of Paris at different moments in time, responding to a shared landscape. Mitchell achieved recognition in the New York scene in the 1950s before gradually settling in Paris at the end of the decade and establishing her studio in 1968 in Vétheuil--where Monet lived for several years. The book establishes a dialogue between Monet's late works and Mitchell's paintings following her move to France and the 24 years she spent living and working around Monet's former residence. The publication includes numerous works by both artists and brings together two exceptional ensembles--Monet's Agapanthus triptych and Joan Mitchell's Grande Vallée, a unique and major cycle of 21 paintings. Essays explore the significance of Mitchell's work from this key moment in her career and the significance of the later paintings of Monet. Distributed for Editions Hazan, Paris Exhibition Schedule: Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris (October 5, 2022-February 27, 2023)

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