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The Zombie Queen (Wheel of Crowns #5)

di Brandi Elledge

Serie: Wheel of Crowns (5)

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Running from Death would be easier if he wasn't so gorgeous.When Tandi rescued Tamara from her evil Vampire Queen mother, Tam didn't hang around. All she wanted was to live a normal life. Go to college, read books, and command people to do what she wanted. So, when Death started stalking her, Tamara started running.But no-one can hide from Death forever, and when he finally tracks her down, she knows she's in trouble. It's not just the crazy plan he has, but Wowzer Turns out Death is drop dead gorgeous. Who would have thought?When Tamara finally decides to listen to the hunky man holding the scythe, she discovers someone is raising the dead. Because of her Zombie King father, she has the power of necromancy, and maybe she can be the one to stop whoever is creating the zombie army. But those are dangerous paths to tread. If she goes too far, she might cause her own death rather than, well, Death doing so.Tamara will have to go way beyond what she ever thought was possible to stop the growing evil. The question is, will she be able to find her way back again?… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daphatlady03, AnaCarter, DeannaMeno
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Running from Death would be easier if he wasn't so gorgeous.When Tandi rescued Tamara from her evil Vampire Queen mother, Tam didn't hang around. All she wanted was to live a normal life. Go to college, read books, and command people to do what she wanted. So, when Death started stalking her, Tamara started running.But no-one can hide from Death forever, and when he finally tracks her down, she knows she's in trouble. It's not just the crazy plan he has, but Wowzer Turns out Death is drop dead gorgeous. Who would have thought?When Tamara finally decides to listen to the hunky man holding the scythe, she discovers someone is raising the dead. Because of her Zombie King father, she has the power of necromancy, and maybe she can be the one to stop whoever is creating the zombie army. But those are dangerous paths to tread. If she goes too far, she might cause her own death rather than, well, Death doing so.Tamara will have to go way beyond what she ever thought was possible to stop the growing evil. The question is, will she be able to find her way back again?

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