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Oculoplastic surgery : the requisites in ophthalmology

di Jeffrey A. Nerad

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Part of the Requisites in Ophthalmology series, this exceptionally comprehensive book on oculoplastic surgery stretches throughout time to cover both traditional and modern approaches. Dr. Nerad demonstrates the most recent standards of practice and patient care through 600 pages filled with detailed illustrations and concise text. He reviews surgical techniques applied to a number of frequently encountered abnormalities and techniques pertinent for aesthetic facial enhancements. Ophthalmic surgeons and plastic surgeons alike benefit from this most organized and thorough work. * Consists of concise core text of important information essential for the plastic surgical treatment of frequently found eye abnormalities and traumas. * Designed as a heavily illustrated how-to guide using diagrams, drawings, and black and white photos to depict various surgical procedures. * Covers the most frequently performed oculoplastic surgical procedures. * Covers surgical techniques applicable for aesthetic facial enhancements. * Summarizes the essential major points that the reader must understand and remember. * Contains the standard and successfully proven Requisites features of boxes presenting major points, diagrams, heavily illustrated format, "pearls" and suggested readings. * Featured as a part of a set consisting of seven complimentary REQUISITES IN OPHTHALMOLOGY - to be completed at the same time, providing the most extensive information on all the subspecialties of ophthalmology. Spanish version also available, ISBN: 84-8174-579-0… (altro)
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Part of the Requisites in Ophthalmology series, this exceptionally comprehensive book on oculoplastic surgery stretches throughout time to cover both traditional and modern approaches. Dr. Nerad demonstrates the most recent standards of practice and patient care through 600 pages filled with detailed illustrations and concise text. He reviews surgical techniques applied to a number of frequently encountered abnormalities and techniques pertinent for aesthetic facial enhancements. Ophthalmic surgeons and plastic surgeons alike benefit from this most organized and thorough work. * Consists of concise core text of important information essential for the plastic surgical treatment of frequently found eye abnormalities and traumas. * Designed as a heavily illustrated how-to guide using diagrams, drawings, and black and white photos to depict various surgical procedures. * Covers the most frequently performed oculoplastic surgical procedures. * Covers surgical techniques applicable for aesthetic facial enhancements. * Summarizes the essential major points that the reader must understand and remember. * Contains the standard and successfully proven Requisites features of boxes presenting major points, diagrams, heavily illustrated format, "pearls" and suggested readings. * Featured as a part of a set consisting of seven complimentary REQUISITES IN OPHTHALMOLOGY - to be completed at the same time, providing the most extensive information on all the subspecialties of ophthalmology. Spanish version also available, ISBN: 84-8174-579-0

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