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Stars in an Italian Sky di Jill Santopolo
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Stars in an Italian Sky (originale 2023; edizione 2024)

di Jill Santopolo (Autore)

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563472,428 (3.9)3
Fiction. Literature. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:From the New York Times bestselling author of The Light We Lost comes a sweeping story of two star-crossed lovers in post-World War II Italy, and a blossoming relationship generations later that will reveal a long-buried family secret.
Genoa, Italy, 1946. Vincenzo and Giovanna fall in love at twenty-one the moment they set eyes on each other. The son of a count and the daughter of a tailor, they belong to opposing worlds. Despite this, the undeniable spark between them quickly burns into a deep and passionate relationship spent exploring each others minds, bodies and their city, as well as Vincenzos familys sprawling vineyard, Villa Della Rosauntil shifts in political power force them each to choose a side and commit what the other believes is a betrayal, shattering the bright future they dreamed of together.
New York, 2017. Cassandra and Luca are in love. Although neither quite fits with the other's family, Cass and Luca have always felt like a perfect match for each other. But when Luca, an artist, convinces his grandfather and Casss grandmother to pose for a painting, past and present collide and reveal a secret that changes everything.
… (altro)
Titolo:Stars in an Italian Sky
Autori:Jill Santopolo (Autore)
Info:G.P. Putnam's Sons (2024), 368 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Stars in an Italian Sky: A Novel di Jill Santopolo (2023)

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I really enjoy dual time line novels and how they always unfold the past with the present. Cassandra and Luca are getting ready to start the next chapter of their lives together. Luca asks if Cassandra's grandmother can sit with his grandfather for an idea of a painting he'd like to complete. When the two meet for the first sitting, the past comes back like a murky painting. Luca and Cassandra are not sure what has happened but they know that there is something between their grandparents and the past is the only place that has the answers. But will the hurt and heartbreak be too much for them and what really happened all those decades ago? Meanwhile Luca and Cassandra are struggling to make plans for their wedding and are struggling with what is best for them or what is best for their families. Giovanna and Vincenzo's story was a little bit of a heart tugger. I really enjoyed this novel and loved that the historical was just after WWII and it was interesting to read about the clean up and moving on after the mass destruction and how things are not so different decades later between people and decisions. Thank you to the author for the complementary novel and to Suzy Approved Book Tours for the invite. This review is of my own opinion and accord. ( )
  Chelz286 | Mar 31, 2024 |
Great story set in post war Italy. The focus of the WWII has always been on Germany and Italy’s involvement especially after Mussolini is interesting. Livers across two generations. ( )
  shazjhb | Jun 30, 2023 |
Jumped at the chance to read the newest book by this author. It did not disappoint. I loved this story, told in a dual time frame of “then” and “now” with two different voices. It connects beautifully, mirroring a love story for all ages and over time. So much love…romantic, familial, country, duty. Beautifully written and descriptive. Characters are so realistic that they jump into your heart. Anyone who has grown up with a close bond to their grandparents and their roots, should read this. Warning, keep tissues handy!

Thanks to Penguin Group Putnam and NetGalley for this ARC. Opinion is mine alone. ( )
  LoriKBoyd | Feb 27, 2023 |
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For my spectacular Gram,
        Beverly Franklin,
    with so much love
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At Villa Della Rosa, autumn was fading.
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She wondered how long it would take for the war to be far enough in the past that it didn't cast a shadow on the present. Or was its shadow so long that the lives of those who'd lived through it would always be shrouded in semidarkness?
Somehow it seemed right that this barrel of wine would be flavored by tears.
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:From the New York Times bestselling author of The Light We Lost comes a sweeping story of two star-crossed lovers in post-World War II Italy, and a blossoming relationship generations later that will reveal a long-buried family secret.
Genoa, Italy, 1946. Vincenzo and Giovanna fall in love at twenty-one the moment they set eyes on each other. The son of a count and the daughter of a tailor, they belong to opposing worlds. Despite this, the undeniable spark between them quickly burns into a deep and passionate relationship spent exploring each others minds, bodies and their city, as well as Vincenzos familys sprawling vineyard, Villa Della Rosauntil shifts in political power force them each to choose a side and commit what the other believes is a betrayal, shattering the bright future they dreamed of together.
New York, 2017. Cassandra and Luca are in love. Although neither quite fits with the other's family, Cass and Luca have always felt like a perfect match for each other. But when Luca, an artist, convinces his grandfather and Casss grandmother to pose for a painting, past and present collide and reveal a secret that changes everything.

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