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Enchantment: Awakening Wonder in an Anxious…
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Enchantment: Awakening Wonder in an Anxious Age (edizione 2023)

di Katherine May (Autore)

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331881,470 (3.92)16
"From the New York Times bestselling author of Wintering, an invitation to rediscover the feelings of awe and wonder available to us all. Many of us feel trapped in a grind of constant change: rolling news cycles, the chatter of social media, our families split along partisan lines. We feel fearful and tired, on edge in our bodies, not quite knowing what has us perpetually depleted. For Katherine May, this low hum of fatigue and anxiety made her wonder what she was missing. Could there be a different way to relate to the world, one that would allow her feel more rested and at ease, even as seismic changes unfold on the planet? Might there be a way for all of us to move through life with curiosity and tenderness, sensitized to the subtle magic all around? In Enchantment, May invites the reader to come with her on a journey to reawaken our innate sense of wonder and awe. With humor, candor, and warmth, she shares stories of her own struggles with work, family, and the aftereffects of pandemic, particularly the feelings of overwhelm as the world rushes to reopen. Craving a different way to live, May begins to explore the restorative properties of the natural world, moving through the elements of earth, water, fire, and air, and identifying the quiet traces of magic that can be found only when we look for them. Through deliberate attention and ritual, she unearths the potency and nourishment that come from quiet reconnection with our immediate environment. Blending lyricism and storytelling, sensitivity and empathy, Enchantment invites each of us to open the door to human experience in all its sensual complexity, and to find the beauty waiting for us there"--… (altro)
Titolo:Enchantment: Awakening Wonder in an Anxious Age
Autori:Katherine May (Autore)
Info:Riverhead Books (2023), 224 pages
Collezioni:2024 Read, Read, La tua biblioteca, Own
Etichette:non-fiction, own, health-mental-or-physical

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Enchantment: Awakening Wonder in an Anxious Age di Katherine May

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This is group of essays, very loosely arranged by the categories of Earth, Water, Fire and Air. I most related to May's experiences during the pandemic and also the after effects, with feelings of disconnect and disenchantment as a lingering hangover. By the time I reached the Water related essays, I started getting bored and tuning out. I felt like an outsider reading someone's diary entries, although I must admit some of the writing is very elegant.

In the midst of reading, I wondered precisely what the purpose of the book is, or maybe there isn't one. The places referenced in the book are unfamiliar to me. Perhaps readers in the U.K can relate more to some of the essays. By the time I reached the end of the book, I had not gleaned any specific insights into how to bring a sense of enchantment back into my life. Perhaps if one approaches this book purely as a memoir, without any additional expectations, it will be a better reading experience. ( )
  Ann_R | May 23, 2024 |
May was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome in middle age, which she writes about in an earlier volume (I will get to next week), and this means her perspectives are slightly different, seeing through different lenses a bit. She shares her vulnerabilities, and her curiosity. Her struggles and her discoveries in this wonderful book.

I'd have probably bought it for the beautiful cover had I not already known her work. Yes, occasionally I have... ( )
  Caroline_McElwee | Jan 21, 2024 |
Part spiritual journey, part personal narrative, Enchantment is an exploration of the effects of the pandemic on the individual and collective experience. Katherine May reflects on the modern age with poignant personal insight and a great deal of compassion. Not a how-to book, but more of a “how-I” book, Enchantment is one woman’s journey to find more wonder in her own life, and to share the wisdom she discovers. ( )
  StaffPicks | Nov 28, 2023 |
An interesting and diverse book that looks at different ways of introducing wander into modern life.

The authors from eyes is that one that is not easy to access, and if we did, then our lives would be easier without the attention grabbing need for social media.

This is good and I enjoyed it, but I think it may prove to erudite for ( )
  aadyer | Jul 14, 2023 |
Like her previous book, this took me on an unexpected and thoughtful voyage that I completely enjoyed. I started out feeling like a random collection of thoughts and observations but all the pieces connected in ways that were intriguing. Although my pandemic experience didn't have the same issues, I completely connected with her experience of how we come out of this and reconnect with each other and the world. A really great read.
1 vota amyem58 | Jun 3, 2023 |
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"From the New York Times bestselling author of Wintering, an invitation to rediscover the feelings of awe and wonder available to us all. Many of us feel trapped in a grind of constant change: rolling news cycles, the chatter of social media, our families split along partisan lines. We feel fearful and tired, on edge in our bodies, not quite knowing what has us perpetually depleted. For Katherine May, this low hum of fatigue and anxiety made her wonder what she was missing. Could there be a different way to relate to the world, one that would allow her feel more rested and at ease, even as seismic changes unfold on the planet? Might there be a way for all of us to move through life with curiosity and tenderness, sensitized to the subtle magic all around? In Enchantment, May invites the reader to come with her on a journey to reawaken our innate sense of wonder and awe. With humor, candor, and warmth, she shares stories of her own struggles with work, family, and the aftereffects of pandemic, particularly the feelings of overwhelm as the world rushes to reopen. Craving a different way to live, May begins to explore the restorative properties of the natural world, moving through the elements of earth, water, fire, and air, and identifying the quiet traces of magic that can be found only when we look for them. Through deliberate attention and ritual, she unearths the potency and nourishment that come from quiet reconnection with our immediate environment. Blending lyricism and storytelling, sensitivity and empathy, Enchantment invites each of us to open the door to human experience in all its sensual complexity, and to find the beauty waiting for us there"--

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