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Logan's Greenhouse

di JaNay Brown-Wood

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"Logan is organizing a pet playdate at his greenhouse for all of his friends, and his treats won't be the same without his carrots. He's searched and searched, but his greenhouse is filled with plenty of plants and Logan needs our help to identify them. What do we know about carrots? They're long, orange, and have bushy leaves at the top--and, wait a moment, is that a carrot? No, that's a turnip. Where, oh, where could those carrots be? Can you help Logan find them in time for his playdate? The third title in JaNay Brown-Wood and Samara Hardy's Where in the Garden? picture book series stars Logan, a young boy who uses a wheelchair and accessible tools while gardening in his greenhouse. Playful text guides young readers to hunt for visual clues and compare and contrast the unique characteristics of carrots against sweet potatoes, leeks, turnips, and other produce that grows in Logan's greenhouse. Artist Samara Hardy brings this multi-layered story to life with vivid, cheerful illustrations created from layers of hand painted ink and watercolor texture. Back matter includes a delicious winter carrot soup recipe for little chefs and their adult helpers to try together."--… (altro)
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"Logan is organizing a pet playdate at his greenhouse for all of his friends, and his treats won't be the same without his carrots. He's searched and searched, but his greenhouse is filled with plenty of plants and Logan needs our help to identify them. What do we know about carrots? They're long, orange, and have bushy leaves at the top--and, wait a moment, is that a carrot? No, that's a turnip. Where, oh, where could those carrots be? Can you help Logan find them in time for his playdate? The third title in JaNay Brown-Wood and Samara Hardy's Where in the Garden? picture book series stars Logan, a young boy who uses a wheelchair and accessible tools while gardening in his greenhouse. Playful text guides young readers to hunt for visual clues and compare and contrast the unique characteristics of carrots against sweet potatoes, leeks, turnips, and other produce that grows in Logan's greenhouse. Artist Samara Hardy brings this multi-layered story to life with vivid, cheerful illustrations created from layers of hand painted ink and watercolor texture. Back matter includes a delicious winter carrot soup recipe for little chefs and their adult helpers to try together."--

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