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Work/Life Balance List Ledger: (Funny List Notepad for Work and Life Self-Care, Lined Notepads to Help Find Stability in Your Life)

di Adam J. Kurtz

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This notepad understands. It understands your hustle, your passions, your exhaustion. Based on Adam J. Kurtz's super-popular print, this list ledger helps you separate work and life in a balanced way. From the author/artist: "Here's the deal: Being busy isn't a personality. Being tired isn't helping you 'kick ass, boss babe!' None of the inspirational aphorisms in the world are going to replace things like sleep, sunshine, positive relationships, washing your hair just to feel the water on your face, and all those other real-life things. "My wish for you is balance: plenty of things going on in your professional and personal life. Ups and downs, learning experiences, huge successes, and 'anecdotal research' on your way. Use these pads as you plan, build, and grow. This shit is real, and it helps." --Adam * Funny, honest, and uplifting, this twist on work-life productivity will appeal to anyone that has felt burnout or struggled to find balance. * Great for followers of Adam J. Kurtz, or any fans of sarcasm and dark humor * A great gift (or self-purchase) for recent graduates or anyone new to the workplace Includes: * 2 lined notepads (one for "Work Things" and one for "Life Things", 3 5/8 x 9 inches each * Cover reads "Do What You Love and You'llNever Work a Day in Your Life Work Super Hard All the Time with No Separation or Any Boundaries and Also Take Everything Extremely Personally" * Pencil (with eraser) with the words "Try not to lose it" printed on the side in the artist's signature handwriting Adam J. Kurtz is a Brooklyn-based artist and author whose work is rooted in honesty, humor, and a little darkness. His first book,1 Page at a Time: A Daily Creative Companion, has been translated into 15 languages. He's collaborated on products for retailers such as Urban Outfitters, Strand Bookstore, and Fishs Eddy. He has also worked with Pepsi, Adobe, and theNew York Times. In 2016, he was named one ofPrint magazine's "15 Under 30" New Visual Artists.… (altro)

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This notepad understands. It understands your hustle, your passions, your exhaustion. Based on Adam J. Kurtz's super-popular print, this list ledger helps you separate work and life in a balanced way. From the author/artist: "Here's the deal: Being busy isn't a personality. Being tired isn't helping you 'kick ass, boss babe!' None of the inspirational aphorisms in the world are going to replace things like sleep, sunshine, positive relationships, washing your hair just to feel the water on your face, and all those other real-life things. "My wish for you is balance: plenty of things going on in your professional and personal life. Ups and downs, learning experiences, huge successes, and 'anecdotal research' on your way. Use these pads as you plan, build, and grow. This shit is real, and it helps." --Adam * Funny, honest, and uplifting, this twist on work-life productivity will appeal to anyone that has felt burnout or struggled to find balance. * Great for followers of Adam J. Kurtz, or any fans of sarcasm and dark humor * A great gift (or self-purchase) for recent graduates or anyone new to the workplace Includes: * 2 lined notepads (one for "Work Things" and one for "Life Things", 3 5/8 x 9 inches each * Cover reads "Do What You Love and You'llNever Work a Day in Your Life Work Super Hard All the Time with No Separation or Any Boundaries and Also Take Everything Extremely Personally" * Pencil (with eraser) with the words "Try not to lose it" printed on the side in the artist's signature handwriting Adam J. Kurtz is a Brooklyn-based artist and author whose work is rooted in honesty, humor, and a little darkness. His first book,1 Page at a Time: A Daily Creative Companion, has been translated into 15 languages. He's collaborated on products for retailers such as Urban Outfitters, Strand Bookstore, and Fishs Eddy. He has also worked with Pepsi, Adobe, and theNew York Times. In 2016, he was named one ofPrint magazine's "15 Under 30" New Visual Artists.

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