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Rick and Morty: Pocket Notebook Collection (Set of 3)

di Insight Editions

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Rick and Morty don got their own pocket notebooks, broh! Don't even trip, dog, Mr. Meeseeks got his own notebook, too. Fist pump me, broh! Don't be a Jerry, celebrate the interdimensional misadventures of Rick and Morty with this set of notebooks from Insight Editions' best-selling stationery line, each featuring individual covers inspired by fan favorite characters--Rick, Morty, and even Mr. Meeseeks. Each notebook contains 64 pages of ruled, acid-free high-quality paper that take both pen and Pencilvester nicely to invite a flow of inspiration. Featuring artwork taken from the animated show, this is the perfect gift for Rick and Morty fans and hopeful multiverse travelers!… (altro)

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Rick and Morty don got their own pocket notebooks, broh! Don't even trip, dog, Mr. Meeseeks got his own notebook, too. Fist pump me, broh! Don't be a Jerry, celebrate the interdimensional misadventures of Rick and Morty with this set of notebooks from Insight Editions' best-selling stationery line, each featuring individual covers inspired by fan favorite characters--Rick, Morty, and even Mr. Meeseeks. Each notebook contains 64 pages of ruled, acid-free high-quality paper that take both pen and Pencilvester nicely to invite a flow of inspiration. Featuring artwork taken from the animated show, this is the perfect gift for Rick and Morty fans and hopeful multiverse travelers!

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