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Warrior Girl Unearthed di Angeline Boulley
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Warrior Girl Unearthed (edizione 2023)

di Angeline Boulley (Autore)

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4272161,044 (4.35)4
Suspense. Thriller. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

An Instant New York Times bestseller!
#1 Indies Bestseller!
An Amazon Best Book of the Month!
An Indigo Teen Staff Pick of the Month!
An Indie Next Pick!

#1 New York Times bestselling author of Firekeeper's Daughter Angeline Boulley takes us back to Sugar Island in this high-stakes thriller about the power of discovering your stolen history.

Perry Firekeeper-Birch has always known who she is - the laidback twin, the troublemaker, the best fisher on Sugar Island. Her aspirations won't ever take her far from home, and she wouldn't have it any other way. But as the rising number of missing Indigenous women starts circling closer to home, as her family becomes embroiled in a high-profile murder investigation, and as greedy grave robbers seek to profit off of what belongs to her Anishinaabe tribe, Perry begins to question everything.
In order to reclaim this inheritance for her people, Perry has no choice but to take matters into her own hands. She can only count on her friends and allies, including her overachieving twin and a charming new boy in town with unwavering morals. Old rivalries, sister secrets, and botched heists cannot - will not - stop her from uncovering the mystery before the ancestors and missing women are lost forever.
Sometimes, the truth shouldn't stay buried.

.… (altro)
Titolo:Warrior Girl Unearthed
Autori:Angeline Boulley (Autore)
Info:Henry Holt and Co. (BYR) (2023), 400 pages
Etichette:mystery, diverse, ebook, libby

Informazioni sull'opera

Warrior Girl Unearthed di Angeline Boulley

Aggiunto di recente daASTribe, dmlarose, biblioteca privata, bookishfiends, ladycato, ozfiztheweird, Purpura, kmtoomey, WestLibrary, kiwifoster
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I checked this out from my local library. It is a September book club read for me.

As a club, we read Firekeeper's Daughter earlier this year, and we were blown away by the intensity of the narrative and the knowledge it imparted. I was thrilled when a librarian pointed out that there were enough of the sequel in the system for the club to read it when meetings resumed in the fall.

I wish I could give this 4 1/2 stars, but Goodreads doesn't allow for halves. I found this to be a slower start than the first book, largely because Perry's impetuous attitude didn't engage me as much as Daunis's did. Once it got going, though, wow.

This book picks up about a decade after the first one and follows Perry, who along with her twin Pauline, was just 6 in the previous work. She is now a teenager with a full attitude, ready to spend her summer slacking off by fishing--until has an accident while speeding and dings the Jeep she shares with Pauline. She is forced to pay off the repairs by joining a tribal internship program.

Perry soon discovers the full disgrace of the United States government's program to repatriate stolen and looted dead Native Americans and their property, and gets deeper into that dilemma even as other women she knows go missing. The twin plots--the tragedies of the past twined with the present grief--make for a gripping narrative that I wish was just confined to horror fiction. That's why this isn't a book that I can say I enjoyed, because that feels like it trivializes the atrocities that this work addresses with passion and eloquence. Rather, I'm left more educated, and embarrassed for my country, and angry at continued injustices.

The end of this book, as with the first in the series, is brilliant and breathless. Boulley is an extraordinary writer. ( )
  ladycato | Sep 16, 2024 |
A chance encounter with human remains in a museum’s collection leads Perry on a powerful journey to reclaim her ancestors. This remarkable story offers insights into the challenges of repatriating cultural items and ancestral remains while following Perry’s personal struggle to understand the world around her. With loads of twists and turns, this thrilling novel will keep you on your toes. I highly recommend the audiobook! - Kendra ( )
  StaffPicks | Jun 25, 2024 |
Just wow in the best possible way! ( )
  kwagnerroberts | Jun 24, 2024 |
Captivating. AMAZING narrator performance. ( )
  eas7788 | May 8, 2024 |
Gr 9 Up—Set 10 years after Firekeeper's Daughter, this novel follows Perry Firekeeper-Birch during a summer
internship, where she discovers a local college is keeping remains and artifacts that belong to her tribe—and
decides what she'll do to get them back. It's important, thought-provoking, and captivating.
  BackstoryBooks | Apr 1, 2024 |
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Suspense. Thriller. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

An Instant New York Times bestseller!
#1 Indies Bestseller!
An Amazon Best Book of the Month!
An Indigo Teen Staff Pick of the Month!
An Indie Next Pick!

#1 New York Times bestselling author of Firekeeper's Daughter Angeline Boulley takes us back to Sugar Island in this high-stakes thriller about the power of discovering your stolen history.

Perry Firekeeper-Birch has always known who she is - the laidback twin, the troublemaker, the best fisher on Sugar Island. Her aspirations won't ever take her far from home, and she wouldn't have it any other way. But as the rising number of missing Indigenous women starts circling closer to home, as her family becomes embroiled in a high-profile murder investigation, and as greedy grave robbers seek to profit off of what belongs to her Anishinaabe tribe, Perry begins to question everything.
In order to reclaim this inheritance for her people, Perry has no choice but to take matters into her own hands. She can only count on her friends and allies, including her overachieving twin and a charming new boy in town with unwavering morals. Old rivalries, sister secrets, and botched heists cannot - will not - stop her from uncovering the mystery before the ancestors and missing women are lost forever.
Sometimes, the truth shouldn't stay buried.


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