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The World Record Book of Racist Stories di…
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The World Record Book of Racist Stories (edizione 2022)

di Amber Ruffin (Autore)

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1148247,557 (4.18)1
"Families may not always see eye to eye; we get on each other's nerves, have different perspectives and lives-especially if we've grown up in different generations. But for the Ruffin family and many others, there has been one constant that connects them: racism hasn't gone anywhere. From her raucous musical numbers to turning upsetting news into laughs as the host of The Amber Ruffin Show or in her Late Night with Seth Meyers segments, Amber is no stranger to finding the funny wherever she looks. With equal parts heart and humor, she and her sister Lacey Lamar shared some of the eye-opening and outrageous experiences Lacey had faced in Nebraska in their first book. Now, the dynamic duo makes it clear-Lacey isn't the only one in the family with ridiculous encounters to share! Amber and Lacey have many more uproarious stories, both from their own lives and the entire Ruffin family, in chapters awarding superlatives ranging from "The Most Racist Dog" to "Worst Gifted Program." Recounting the wildest tales of racism from their parents, their siblings, and Amber's nieces and nephews, this intergenerational look at ludicrous (but all too believable) everyday racism as experienced across age, gender, and appearance will have you gasping with shock and laughter in turn. Validating for anyone who has first-hand experience, and revealing for anyone who doesn't, Amber and Lacey's next book helps us all find the absurdity in the pervasive frustrations of racism. Illuminating and packed with love and laughter, this is a must-read for just about everyone"--… (altro)
Titolo:The World Record Book of Racist Stories
Autori:Amber Ruffin (Autore)
Info:Grand Central Publishing (2022), 240 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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The World Record Book of Racist Stories di Amber Ruffin

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» Vedi 1 citazione

The man who "won" diversity training is possibly the best racism anecdote ever. ( )
  Kavinay | Nov 21, 2023 |
Amber and Lacy know how to find humor in these awful stories. It is sad that racist incidents like these are still going on today. ( )
  wallace2012 | Nov 4, 2023 |
The World Record Book of Racist Stories

I Picked Up This Book Because: I’ve liked the author’s previous work.

Media Type: Audiobook
Source: HC Public Library
Dates Read: 5/5/23 - 5/7/23
Stars: 5
Narrator(s): Amber Ruffin and Lacey Lamar

Writing: So good. I’m not sure how these authors manage to take stories that should (and do) outrage and disgust us and turn them into mostly laughable anecdotes.
Forward Motion: Good. This book is very fast paced
Overall Interest: Fully invested.
Length of Reading Time: Very good.
Re-read-ability: I probably won’t re-read this alone but I could see this as a good road trip book that sparks discussion. ( )
  bookjunkie57 | May 22, 2023 |
Funny sad. Ms Ruffin and Ms Lamar are very high energy narrators of this book. Some things that they found hilarious I found so frustrating I had steam coming out of my ears. I really don't know how people of color put up with all this. Amazing these ladies are amazing! Great to hear these stories to remind myself of all I have been blessed to miss. Hope I can do better. I did enjoy having he print book available for the pictures, though there is a PDF of extra material that provides them to audio listeners. Only the audio can bring you the songs! ( )
  njcur | Mar 16, 2023 |
As told by sisters Amber Ruffin and Lacey Lamar, this comprehensive collection (second in a series) should appall everyone. For Black readers, there are no surprises, just hard truth and more of the same. White people may recognize themselves or their racist uncle, but will not be able to deny that it is dangerous in this country to leave your house when you're Black. The aggressions recounted can't even be called "micro". The indictments of Omaha, Nebraska, where the Ruffin family of five children grew up, are particularly egregious, though Missouri and other midwestern states are not spared. Told with equal parts humor and pain, this book should be on the menu of every high school in America. The subtitle could be "CRT: Critical Racist Truths". ( )
  froxgirl | Dec 23, 2022 |
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Amber Ruffinautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Lamar, Laceyautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
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This book is dedicated to all white people everywhere . . . Just kidding! The opposite of that! This book is dedicated to our family and friends who experienced all these stories with us . . . Just kidding, this book is dedicated to El DeBarge!
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One night, a few years ago, my white, male friend was late for a date with his wife. [Introduction]
**approaches podium in a super-fancy ball gown**

Welcome to the World Record Book of Racist Stories Awards!
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"Families may not always see eye to eye; we get on each other's nerves, have different perspectives and lives-especially if we've grown up in different generations. But for the Ruffin family and many others, there has been one constant that connects them: racism hasn't gone anywhere. From her raucous musical numbers to turning upsetting news into laughs as the host of The Amber Ruffin Show or in her Late Night with Seth Meyers segments, Amber is no stranger to finding the funny wherever she looks. With equal parts heart and humor, she and her sister Lacey Lamar shared some of the eye-opening and outrageous experiences Lacey had faced in Nebraska in their first book. Now, the dynamic duo makes it clear-Lacey isn't the only one in the family with ridiculous encounters to share! Amber and Lacey have many more uproarious stories, both from their own lives and the entire Ruffin family, in chapters awarding superlatives ranging from "The Most Racist Dog" to "Worst Gifted Program." Recounting the wildest tales of racism from their parents, their siblings, and Amber's nieces and nephews, this intergenerational look at ludicrous (but all too believable) everyday racism as experienced across age, gender, and appearance will have you gasping with shock and laughter in turn. Validating for anyone who has first-hand experience, and revealing for anyone who doesn't, Amber and Lacey's next book helps us all find the absurdity in the pervasive frustrations of racism. Illuminating and packed with love and laughter, this is a must-read for just about everyone"--

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