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Michael: From the Case Files of S.P.O.O.K.S

di Tracy Beach

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"In January 1986 the Wheat Ridge Police Department uncovered one of the most vicious crime sprees in Colorado's history. Dating back to 1920, in the small town of Stratton, Colorado, the officers discovered decades of brutal killings and slaughter involving transient farm workers that had been hired to work the fields of the now infamous McCormick farm. With over 70 bodies buried on the 2,800 acre farm and dozens of others scattered around the country, the body count was extreme. But with murder, comes the ghostly remains of the dead. Faced with angry spirits and buckets full of body parts brought up by their plow, the farm's new owners contacted S.P.O.O.K.S Paranormal team for help. Join author Tracy Beach as she digs through mountains of police casefiles, missing person reports, interview's, court transcripts, autopsy reports and two scrap books full of decomposed bodies being removed from the earth, in her quest to piece together the demented mind of Michael McCormick and figure out what made him tick ... and who is really haunting the farm"--Back cover.… (altro)
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"In January 1986 the Wheat Ridge Police Department uncovered one of the most vicious crime sprees in Colorado's history. Dating back to 1920, in the small town of Stratton, Colorado, the officers discovered decades of brutal killings and slaughter involving transient farm workers that had been hired to work the fields of the now infamous McCormick farm. With over 70 bodies buried on the 2,800 acre farm and dozens of others scattered around the country, the body count was extreme. But with murder, comes the ghostly remains of the dead. Faced with angry spirits and buckets full of body parts brought up by their plow, the farm's new owners contacted S.P.O.O.K.S Paranormal team for help. Join author Tracy Beach as she digs through mountains of police casefiles, missing person reports, interview's, court transcripts, autopsy reports and two scrap books full of decomposed bodies being removed from the earth, in her quest to piece together the demented mind of Michael McCormick and figure out what made him tick ... and who is really haunting the farm"--Back cover.

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