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Foundations of Library and Information…
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Foundations of Library and Information Science, Third Edition (edizione 2010)

di Richard Rubin

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1,3182615,080 (3.33)18
Language Arts. Nonfiction. HTML:

Richard E. Rubin's book has served as the authoritative introductory text for generations of library and information science practitioners, with each new edition taking in its stride the myriad societal, technological, political, and economic changes affecting our users and institutions and transforming our discipline. Rubin teams up with his daughter, Rachel G. Rubin, a rising star in the library field in her own right, for the fifth edition. Spanning all types of libraries, from public to academic, school, and special, it illuminates the major facets of LIS for students as well as current professionals. Continuing its tradition of excellence, this text addresses

  • the history and mission of libraries from past to present, including the history of service to African Americans;
  • critical contemporary social issues such as services to marginalized communities, tribal libraries, and immigrants;
  • the rise of e-government and the crucial role of political advocacy;
  • digital devices, social networking, digital publishing, e-books, virtual reality, and other technology;
  • forces shaping the future of libraries, including Future Ready libraries, and sustainability as a core value of librarianship;
  • the values and ethics of the profession, with new coverage of civic engagement, combatting fake news, the importance of social justice, and the role of critical librarianship;
  • knowledge infrastructure and organization, including Resource Description and Access (RDA), linked data, and the Library Research Model;
  • the significance of the digital divide and policy issues related to broadband access and net neutrality;
  • intellectual freedom, legal issues, and copyright-related topics;
  • contemporary issues in LIS education such as the ongoing tensions between information science and library science; and
  • the changing character of collections and services including the role of digital libraries, preservation, and the digital humanities.
  • In its newest edition, Foundations of Library and Information Science remains the field's essential resource.

    … (altro)
    Titolo:Foundations of Library and Information Science, Third Edition
    Autori:Richard Rubin
    Info:Neal-Schuman Publishers (2010), Edition: Third Edition, Paperback, 471 pages
    Collezioni:goodreads, La tua biblioteca, Lista dei desideri
    Etichette:LIS, information science, library science, MLIS

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    Foundations of Library and Information Science di Richard Rubin

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    » Vedi le 18 citazioni

    Overall, fairly readable as textbooks go. I thought the history chapter was especially good. Offers an up-to-date perspective. ( )
      Library_Guard | Jun 17, 2024 |
    Obviously this was for class, but I did actually enjoy it! It was thorough, well written, and interesting (as a newcomer to the field). My only complaint is that a lot of the info was outdated, which is clearly a never-ending battle in this particular filed. Things change quickly, and a new edition with updated info and statistics is a must!
    KSD ( )
      kdegour23 | May 29, 2024 |
    Classic textbook. ( )
      blueskygreentrees | Jul 30, 2023 |
    This is a book that I will reach for again and again as I advance in my studies, and in my professional development, for Library and Information Science. I am reading the fifth edition of this book (published in 2020), and am finding it timely and relevant.The book includes discussion of the COVID-19 pandemic and how the shutdown of physical libraries affected delivery of services. The subject of library outreach during COVID was “still being written” at the time of publication, and this book does an excellent job encapsulating a situation that continues to evolve.
      Cynthia_Parkhill | Apr 30, 2023 |
      farzeen123 | Sep 15, 2022 |
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    Since the nineteenth century, American libraries have served the educational, recreational and information (ERI) needs of their users.
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    Language Arts. Nonfiction. HTML:

    Richard E. Rubin's book has served as the authoritative introductory text for generations of library and information science practitioners, with each new edition taking in its stride the myriad societal, technological, political, and economic changes affecting our users and institutions and transforming our discipline. Rubin teams up with his daughter, Rachel G. Rubin, a rising star in the library field in her own right, for the fifth edition. Spanning all types of libraries, from public to academic, school, and special, it illuminates the major facets of LIS for students as well as current professionals. Continuing its tradition of excellence, this text addresses

    the history and mission of libraries from past to present, including the history of service to African Americans; critical contemporary social issues such as services to marginalized communities, tribal libraries, and immigrants; the rise of e-government and the crucial role of political advocacy; digital devices, social networking, digital publishing, e-books, virtual reality, and other technology; forces shaping the future of libraries, including Future Ready libraries, and sustainability as a core value of librarianship; the values and ethics of the profession, with new coverage of civic engagement, combatting fake news, the importance of social justice, and the role of critical librarianship; knowledge infrastructure and organization, including Resource Description and Access (RDA), linked data, and the Library Research Model; the significance of the digital divide and policy issues related to broadband access and net neutrality; intellectual freedom, legal issues, and copyright-related topics; contemporary issues in LIS education such as the ongoing tensions between information science and library science; and the changing character of collections and services including the role of digital libraries, preservation, and the digital humanities.

    In its newest edition, Foundations of Library and Information Science remains the field's essential resource.


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