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Suburban Watchdogs: Karma is a... Female Dog…
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Suburban Watchdogs: Karma is a... Female Dog (edizione 2022)

di Tiffany Andrea (Autore)

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"Longtime friends, Justin, Morrie, Brendon, and Josh, live in a small farming town north of the big city. When crime starts making its way onto their streets, the group of men brought together by circumstance, rather than choice, band together to keep their town safe. One movie night watching a good ol' gangster film is all they need to motivate them to take action, thereby forming the Suburban Watchdogs. If criminals think they can just waltz into the Suburban Watchdogs' territory without resistance, they are mistaken. Justin takes matters one step further by adopting Karma. Karma is a... female dog, and she'll make sure you get what's coming to you.Join the group of unlikely friends and their canine companion on their hilarious vigilante mission and laugh at the chaos and mayhem that ensues"--Back cover.… (altro)
Titolo:Suburban Watchdogs: Karma is a... Female Dog
Autori:Tiffany Andrea (Autore)
Info:Burden of Proofreading Publishing (2022), 248 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:@Kindle, fiction

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Suburban Watchdogs: Karma is a... Female Dog di Tiffany Andrea

Aggiunto di recente daBambean, fito_wei950, SecretPenquin, steaksauce
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"Longtime friends, Justin, Morrie, Brendon, and Josh, live in a small farming town north of the big city. When crime starts making its way onto their streets, the group of men brought together by circumstance, rather than choice, band together to keep their town safe. One movie night watching a good ol' gangster film is all they need to motivate them to take action, thereby forming the Suburban Watchdogs. If criminals think they can just waltz into the Suburban Watchdogs' territory without resistance, they are mistaken. Justin takes matters one step further by adopting Karma. Karma is a... female dog, and she'll make sure you get what's coming to you.Join the group of unlikely friends and their canine companion on their hilarious vigilante mission and laugh at the chaos and mayhem that ensues"--Back cover.

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