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Not for Tourists Guide to London 2021 (Not for Tourists Guide to Brooklyn)

di Not for Tourists

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With details on everything from Big Ben to Brick Lane, this is the only guide a native or traveler needs. Whether you've called London your home for decades or just arrived last night, there's information in the Not For TouristsGuide to London that you need to know. This map-based, neighborhood-by-neighborhood guide will help you master this amazing city like an expert. Packed with more than 150 maps and thousands of listings for restaurants, shops, theaters, and under-the-radar spots, you won't find a better guide to London. Want to score tickets to a big Arsenal or Chelsea football match? NFT has you covered. How about royal sightseeing at Buckingham Palace? We've got that, too. The best Indian restaurant, theater experience, bookstore, or cultural site--whatever you need--NFT puts it at your fingertips. This light and portable guide also features: An invaluable street index Profiles of more than one hundred neighborhoods Listings for museums, landmarks, the best shopping, and more You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to solve the mysteries of London; NFT has all the answers!… (altro)

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With details on everything from Big Ben to Brick Lane, this is the only guide a native or traveler needs. Whether you've called London your home for decades or just arrived last night, there's information in the Not For TouristsGuide to London that you need to know. This map-based, neighborhood-by-neighborhood guide will help you master this amazing city like an expert. Packed with more than 150 maps and thousands of listings for restaurants, shops, theaters, and under-the-radar spots, you won't find a better guide to London. Want to score tickets to a big Arsenal or Chelsea football match? NFT has you covered. How about royal sightseeing at Buckingham Palace? We've got that, too. The best Indian restaurant, theater experience, bookstore, or cultural site--whatever you need--NFT puts it at your fingertips. This light and portable guide also features: An invaluable street index Profiles of more than one hundred neighborhoods Listings for museums, landmarks, the best shopping, and more You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to solve the mysteries of London; NFT has all the answers!

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