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The Live Enterprise: Create a Continuously Evolving and Learning Organization

di Jeff Kavanaugh

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"Dispense with the three fads that fail legacy organizations-and discover the operating model of the future In the last 30 years, leaders of legacy businesses and nonprofits alike have been encouraged to run their organizations like lean, agile startups. They embraced the trends that promised success-Digital Transformation! Sense and Respond! Design Thinking!-yet discovered they all fell short when applied at scale to large, incumbent organizations. Sound familiar? In The Live Enterprise, authors Jeff Kavanaugh and Rafee Tarafdar will show you why these approaches don't work for larger companies-and provide a clear path forward for executives, managers and professionals looking to transform legacy systems into agile, digital ecosystems that can evolve with changing market needs and scale to any size. The operating model they describe, Live Enterprise, builds on the positives of the startup operating model but goes further, addressing such issues as responsive value chains, intuitive decision-making capabilities, hybrid talent (employees + machines + gig economy) and more. Groundbreaking in theory and long-term strategy, The Live Enterprise also includes practical steps you can take now-for immediate, concrete results-while laying the groundwork to operate with agility in the future"--… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daCapital_Area_Library, sholle7
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"Dispense with the three fads that fail legacy organizations-and discover the operating model of the future In the last 30 years, leaders of legacy businesses and nonprofits alike have been encouraged to run their organizations like lean, agile startups. They embraced the trends that promised success-Digital Transformation! Sense and Respond! Design Thinking!-yet discovered they all fell short when applied at scale to large, incumbent organizations. Sound familiar? In The Live Enterprise, authors Jeff Kavanaugh and Rafee Tarafdar will show you why these approaches don't work for larger companies-and provide a clear path forward for executives, managers and professionals looking to transform legacy systems into agile, digital ecosystems that can evolve with changing market needs and scale to any size. The operating model they describe, Live Enterprise, builds on the positives of the startup operating model but goes further, addressing such issues as responsive value chains, intuitive decision-making capabilities, hybrid talent (employees + machines + gig economy) and more. Groundbreaking in theory and long-term strategy, The Live Enterprise also includes practical steps you can take now-for immediate, concrete results-while laying the groundwork to operate with agility in the future"--

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