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Long Shadows
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Long Shadows (2023)

Serie: Amos Decker (7)

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7522731,179 (4.05)4
"When Amos Decker is called to South Florida to investigate a double homicide, the case appears straightforward: A federal judge and her bodyguard have been found dead, the judge's face sporting a blindfold with two eye holes crudely cut out, a clear sign that she'd made one too many enemies over her years on the bench. What at first seems cut and dry is anything but: Not only did the judge have more enemies than Decker can count--from violent gang members, drug dealers, and smugglers to a resentful ex-husband--but the bodyguard presents additional conundrums that muddy the waters even further. Who was the real target in this vicious attack? Meanwhile, Decker must contend with a series of unsettling changes, including a new partner--Special Agent Frederica "Freddie" White--and a devastating event that brings Decker's own tragic past back to the present"--… (altro)
Titolo:Long Shadows
Info:PAN MACMILLAN, Edition: International Edition
Collezioni:Lista dei desideri

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Long Shadows di David Baldacci (2023)

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Here is a problem folks: There is so much change in Decker's life at the start of this book there would be MASSIVE spoiler alerts everywhere. All I will say is get past the start and it is enjoyable but climb the mountain at the beginning. ( )
  graeme.bell3 | Aug 4, 2024 |
Slower start than the others but was good by the end. Book 7 was better than book 6 imo. ( )
  pzhorton4 | Jul 13, 2024 |
Memory Man Series , Book 7
  MontanaMick | Jun 30, 2024 |
"Long Shadows" by David Baldacci has been out for just about 18 months. Another one of those novels on my tbr list! I've read quite a few of Mr. Baldacci's books and they never disappoint. This novel is the 7th in the Amos Decker series. I found it to be very well written, a plot full of twists and turns, interesting characters, and settings that were so well described, you could truly envision them. The plot covers several murders with various suspects. The reader is kept guessing until the end. If you are a Baldacci fan, or have never read one of his amazing novels, I would highly recommend reading "Long Shadows", and his other well-written thrillers. Btw, there is no need to read his novel in order. They stand along. ( )
  AndreaHelena | Jun 19, 2024 |
It gets a 4 because it mostly kept me entertained while I listened to it. I've read other David Baldacci books and usually enjoy them. I've read other Amos Decker series books as well.

I'm still pondering how long shadows ties in to the story. Is it that our pasts cast long shadows onto our current life? Is it that our relationships (friends, spouses, family) cast long shadows that affect us?

Amos Decker remains but most other characters we're used to seeing are marginalized in this book. Decker gets a new FBI partner (since his previous one moved to New York). Decker's handler (and cheerleader with the bureau) retires. Decker's friend and landlord gets married and moves away.

Decker's brain is changing (for better or worse we're not told yet). On top of that, Decker's former police partner and friend commits suicide.

The case Decker and his new partner are assigned involves the murder of a federal judge and her bodyguard in Florida. But, as usual, things are not what they seem on the surface. I did not reason out the culprit(s), but that tends to be my norm, so if you are someone who usually can, your experience may be different.

I do plan to read more entries in the series. ( )
  JenniferRobb | May 31, 2024 |
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David Baldacciautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Brewer, KyeNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Cassidy, OrlaghNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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"When Amos Decker is called to South Florida to investigate a double homicide, the case appears straightforward: A federal judge and her bodyguard have been found dead, the judge's face sporting a blindfold with two eye holes crudely cut out, a clear sign that she'd made one too many enemies over her years on the bench. What at first seems cut and dry is anything but: Not only did the judge have more enemies than Decker can count--from violent gang members, drug dealers, and smugglers to a resentful ex-husband--but the bodyguard presents additional conundrums that muddy the waters even further. Who was the real target in this vicious attack? Meanwhile, Decker must contend with a series of unsettling changes, including a new partner--Special Agent Frederica "Freddie" White--and a devastating event that brings Decker's own tragic past back to the present"--

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Media: (4.05)
2 1
3 23
3.5 13
4 50
4.5 11
5 33

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