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Sto caricando le informazioni... Le lettere di Berlicche (1942)di C. S. Lewis, c. s. lewis (Autore)
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Iscriviti per consentire a LibraryThing di scoprire se ti piacerà questo libro. Attualmente non vi sono conversazioni su questo libro. Well, I am not sure how I’ve never read this book, as I have read a lot of Christian apologetics. Listening to it was hard because I naturally write and underline in these kinds of books. That being said, I think listening to it was a good first step and I hope to read a hard copy one day. I laughed out loud at certain points and get confused by others, but as usual, CS Lewis did not disappoint! Good stuff from an ironic point of view! ( ) Last year was an eye opening to me when it comes how easily can people be manipulated. One would think manipulation is required when there is no apparent danger - trust me when I say that it does not matter and even in case of direct health threat (like last year) manipulation is used by the unscrupulous parts of society. In everlasting quest for power, forces-that-are are willing to further the suffering of the people. Why? I guess their assistants say why not! Cannot harm to create such an atmosphere that would help them remain in power. No matter the cost. And this brings us to this book. Some say this is christian apologetic book but I can tell you that this book, funny and witty as it is, reads as a bloody manual on a psychological manipulation. Direct instructions on how to make people self-centered, how to play on that almighty emotion called fear to control them and direct them, how to make them look down on others and justify everything through the prism of me-me-me-me-and-only-me..... Manual I tell you. And dont get me started on the Toast chapter. It is incredible how some things were visible for over the 100 years now and yet people let majority of these predictions come true. Craazzyy. In terms of the book itself author has a very sharp mind and is ready to make jokes on his own religion account (imagine that today? HA!). I had a giggle ever so often. Every letter, every instruction strikes right into the heart of the matter and I am sure that non-religious people will also recognize themselves in targets of these tempsters as little devils try to find the chinks in human armor to ensure they end up several floors below the ground (and not above). Excellent book, highly recommended. This classic has entertained and enlightened readers the world over with its sly and ironic portrayal of human life and foibles from the unique vantage point of Screwtape, a highly placed assistant to "Our Father Below." At once wildly comic, deadly serious, and strikingly original, C. S. Lewis gives us the correspondence of the worldly-wise devil to his nephew Wormwood, a novice demon in charge of securing the damnation of an ordinary young man. The Screwtape Letters is the most engaging account of temptation--and triumph over it--ever written.
What struck me most about this book is its relevance, even decades after it was first published. Lewis's insights into the human condition are as pertinent today as they were back then, reminding us that the battle between good and evil is as old as time itself.......... "The devil," said Thomas More, "cannot endure to be mocked," and which, if correct, means that somewhere in the inferno there must be considerable annoyance. Appartiene alle Collane EditorialiÈ contenuto inThe Abolition of Man / The Great Divorce / Mere Christianity / Miracles / The Problem of Pain / The Screwtape Letters di C. S. Lewis The Complete C.S. Lewis Signature Classics di C. S. Lewis (indirettamente) Selected Books di C. S. Lewis (indirettamente) The Four Loves / Surprised by Joy / A Grief Observed / The Screwtape Letters / The Great Divorce / Mere Christianity di C. S. Lewis THE CHRISTIAN COLLECTION. 9 Books including: Mere Christianity; Screwtape Letters; Miracles; The Great Divorce; Pilgrim's Recess; The Problem Of Pain ... (Timeless Wisdom Collection Book 1016) di C. S. Lewis Ha l'adattamentoÈ riassunto inÈ espanso inHa ispiratoHa come guida per lo studentePremi e riconoscimentiElenchi di rilievo
A series of congenial letters from Screwtape, an elderly devil, advising his nephew Wormwood, an apprentice devil, how to corrupt his earthly "patient." Non sono state trovate descrizioni di biblioteche |
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