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Finding Ashlyn (SEAL Team Hawaii Book 6) di…
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Finding Ashlyn (SEAL Team Hawaii Book 6) (edizione 2023)

di Susan Stoker (Autore)

Serie: SEAL Team Hawaii (6)

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"Friends with benefits. That's all Ashlyn wanted with Slate. They were certainly combustible in the bedroom, and that was sufficient...wasn't it? Yes, definitely. He was too bossy. Too protective. She didn't want someone hovering, wanting to know her every move and telling her she was too reckless. But then again, knowing someone cared enough to worry about her felt kind of nice. Not to mention the more she was around Slate, and the more she learned about him, the harder it was to ignore her feelings. Duncan "Slate" Stone had never been with a woman like Ashlyn. She was impulsive, spontaneous, argumentative, and way too nonchalant about her safety. She drove him completely crazy...and he couldn't stay away from her. The sex was out-of-this-world amazing, but just being near her, even if they did nothing but talk, made him just as happy. Clearly their laid-back arrangement worked. No need to rock the boat...right? When she unexpectedly finds herself in the middle of a deadly situation, Ashlyn realizes that having an overprotective boyfriend isn't such a bad thing. And Slate discovers his feelings for Ashlyn are anything but casual. But both those discoveries could be too little, too late."--Page 4 of cover.… (altro)
Titolo:Finding Ashlyn (SEAL Team Hawaii Book 6)
Autori:Susan Stoker (Autore)
Info:(2023), 346 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:Fiction, romantic suspense

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Finding Ashlyn di Susan Stoker

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"Friends with benefits. That's all Ashlyn wanted with Slate. They were certainly combustible in the bedroom, and that was sufficient...wasn't it? Yes, definitely. He was too bossy. Too protective. She didn't want someone hovering, wanting to know her every move and telling her she was too reckless. But then again, knowing someone cared enough to worry about her felt kind of nice. Not to mention the more she was around Slate, and the more she learned about him, the harder it was to ignore her feelings. Duncan "Slate" Stone had never been with a woman like Ashlyn. She was impulsive, spontaneous, argumentative, and way too nonchalant about her safety. She drove him completely crazy...and he couldn't stay away from her. The sex was out-of-this-world amazing, but just being near her, even if they did nothing but talk, made him just as happy. Clearly their laid-back arrangement worked. No need to rock the boat...right? When she unexpectedly finds herself in the middle of a deadly situation, Ashlyn realizes that having an overprotective boyfriend isn't such a bad thing. And Slate discovers his feelings for Ashlyn are anything but casual. But both those discoveries could be too little, too late."--Page 4 of cover.

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