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Drop Acid: The Surprising New Science of…
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Drop Acid: The Surprising New Science of Uric Acid―The Key to Losing Weight, Controlling Blood Sugar, and Achieving Extraordinary Health (edizione 2022)

di David Perlmutter MD (Autore)

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Health & Fitness. Nonfiction. HTML:

Unlock the secret to extraordinary health by reducing high uric acid levels—the hidden risk you didn't know you had—by the author of Grain Brain and Brain Wash.

What do obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, fatty liver disease, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, neurological disorders, and premature death have in common? All can be stoked by high uric acid levels.
Our most respected scientific literature is bursting with evidence that elevated uric acid levels lie at the root of many pervasive health conditions, but mainstream medicine for the most part remains unaware of this connection. This is especially alarming because a large number of Americans don’t know they are suffering from increased levels, putting them at risk for developing or exacerbating potentially life-threatening illnesses.
Offering an engaging blend of science and practical advice, Drop Acid exposes the deadly truth about uric acid and teaches invaluable strategies to manage its levels, including how to:
  • Reduce fructose and foods high in “purines” through simple dietary edits 
  • Lower uric acid levels through natural hacks like consuming tart cherries, vitamin C, quercetin, and coffee
  • Identify common pharmaceuticals that threaten to increase uric acid
  • Implement lifestyle interventions, like restorative sleep and exercise
  • Easily test your uric acid levels at home—a test routinely performed in your doctor’s office during regular check-ups but typically ignored
  • Featuring the groundbreaking “LUV” (Lower Uric Values) diet, 35 delicious recipes, self-assessment quizzes, and a 21-day program for dropping levels, Drop Acid empowers readers with the information they need to address this hidden danger and live longer, leaner, and healthier lives.
    … (altro)
    Titolo:Drop Acid: The Surprising New Science of Uric Acid―The Key to Losing Weight, Controlling Blood Sugar, and Achieving Extraordinary Health
    Autori:David Perlmutter MD (Autore)
    Info:Little, Brown Spark (2022), 336 pages
    Collezioni:Dining Room, La tua biblioteca, Da leggere
    Etichette:Health and Wellness

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    Drop Acid: The Surprising New Science of Uric Acid―The Key to Losing Weight, Controlling Blood Sugar, and Achieving Extraordinary Health di M.D. David Perlmutter

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    I should have known better. Spent far too long reading the "science" (i.e. a bunch of rat studies, selectively interpreted) only to finally arrive at the diet: an extremely restrictive variation on paleo, but with even more foods cut out. No gluten, no grains, no GMOs, no sugar, no processed foods obvs!, limit "underground" veg, limit dairy, limit most seafood and many meats. You can have green veg, low-sugar fruit, olive oil, eggs, and some meat. What all of this has to do with uric acid is left as an exercise for the reader. Oh, and you can also buy a uric acid home testing kit ($70), a continuous glucose monitor ($400+), and hundreds of dollars a month in supplements. Don't get sucked in! Save your sanity and read a novel instead. ( )
      libraryhead | Feb 24, 2022 |
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    Health & Fitness. Nonfiction. HTML:

    Unlock the secret to extraordinary health by reducing high uric acid levels—the hidden risk you didn't know you had—by the author of Grain Brain and Brain Wash.

    What do obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, fatty liver disease, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, neurological disorders, and premature death have in common? All can be stoked by high uric acid levels.
    Our most respected scientific literature is bursting with evidence that elevated uric acid levels lie at the root of many pervasive health conditions, but mainstream medicine for the most part remains unaware of this connection. This is especially alarming because a large number of Americans don’t know they are suffering from increased levels, putting them at risk for developing or exacerbating potentially life-threatening illnesses.
    Offering an engaging blend of science and practical advice, Drop Acid exposes the deadly truth about uric acid and teaches invaluable strategies to manage its levels, including how to: Reduce fructose and foods high in “purines” through simple dietary edits  Lower uric acid levels through natural hacks like consuming tart cherries, vitamin C, quercetin, and coffee Identify common pharmaceuticals that threaten to increase uric acid Implement lifestyle interventions, like restorative sleep and exercise Easily test your uric acid levels at home—a test routinely performed in your doctor’s office during regular check-ups but typically ignoredFeaturing the groundbreaking “LUV” (Lower Uric Values) diet, 35 delicious recipes, self-assessment quizzes, and a 21-day program for dropping levels, Drop Acid empowers readers with the information they need to address this hidden danger and live longer, leaner, and healthier lives.

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