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The Monster Parade: A Book about Feeling All…
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The Monster Parade: A Book about Feeling All Your Feelings and Then Watching Them Go (edizione 2022)

di Wendy O'Leary (Autore), Noémie Gionet Landry (Illustratore)

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"This fun and playful story uses the analogy of a parade to help children acknowledge and manage big feelings. Watch as anger passes and sadness's all part of the parade. Written in verse, The Parade helps children name and work with emotions in engaging ways. Simple enough for little ones with the depth to support children as their social and emotional intelligence grows"--… (altro)
Titolo:The Monster Parade: A Book about Feeling All Your Feelings and Then Watching Them Go
Autori:Wendy O'Leary (Autore)
Altri autori:Noémie Gionet Landry (Illustratore)
Info:Bala Kids (2022), 32 pages
Collezioni:English, Storytime, Picture Books
Etichette:0-2 years, 3-5 years, emotions, monsters, type: rhyming, DL

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The Monster Parade: A Book about Feeling All Your Feelings and Then Watching Them Go di Wendy O'Leary

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Like a parade, they can be colorful and surprising and very alluring, but they come and go. The book is not too long and not too short, written in sweet prose with images the children seem to love.

Landry paints an inviting world where all kinds of goofy monsters are lurching down the street in a parade, representing our constant thought stream. when children notice that those thoughts and feelings come and go, they can feel less trapped and stuck. The rhyming prose makes this a great read aloud. Monster Parade could actually be used as an entry point for adults as well.
  MiddleWayEducation | Apr 3, 2024 |
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"This fun and playful story uses the analogy of a parade to help children acknowledge and manage big feelings. Watch as anger passes and sadness's all part of the parade. Written in verse, The Parade helps children name and work with emotions in engaging ways. Simple enough for little ones with the depth to support children as their social and emotional intelligence grows"--

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