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Unidentified: A Science-Fiction Thriller di…
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Unidentified: A Science-Fiction Thriller (edizione 2021)

di Douglas E. Richards (Autore)

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UFOs are real. When Jason Ridley discovers their shocking agenda, his actions will either transform humanity...or destroy it entirely. Unidentified details the actual evidence that UFOs are here, while offering a mind-blowing fictional take on the reasons why. A riveting pause-resister packed with nonstop action, epic ideas, and astonishing twists. Ripped from today's headlines, Unidentified is the latest thriller from the NY Times best-selling author whose books have sold more than two million copies. Between 2017 and 2021, the US military admitted to having undeniable evidence that UFOs (now UAVs or UAPs) are here and defy the laws of physics. When Jason Ramsey, a popular science-fiction writer, becomes obsessed with the subject, he undertakes a relentless quest to uncover what is really going on. After recruiting Tessa Barrett, an extraordinarily talented mercenary, Jason devises a risky, desperate plan to get to the bottom of it all. But the truth is far more shocking, convoluted, and dangerous than anyone could have guessed, and he has no idea who he can trust. Jason soon realizes that he can only be certain of two things. He somehow holds the key to the future of the galaxy itself...and his chances of living out the week are vanishingly small.… (altro)
Titolo:Unidentified: A Science-Fiction Thriller
Autori:Douglas E. Richards (Autore)
Info:(2021), 410 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura
Etichette:Science fiction

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Unidentified: A Science-Fiction Thriller di Douglas E. Richards

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Complex and Fascinating Technothriller

Unidentified is another fabulous technothriller from Douglas Richards. I tried for weeks to pare down my feedback about this book and finally gave up.

What I love the most about Richard's writing is that he richly researches every topic, uses cutting edge concepts across quantum physics, technology, artificial intelligence and so much more, and then stretches into speculative fiction.

The reader never knows until the appendix just what is really possible, this allowing your imagination to be free to follow the story anywhere it goes.

Trust me, Unidentified is a must read for anyone who wants to explore the Universe and the possibilities out there waiting for us. Highly recommended. ( )
  Windyone1 | May 10, 2022 |
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UFOs are real. When Jason Ridley discovers their shocking agenda, his actions will either transform humanity...or destroy it entirely. Unidentified details the actual evidence that UFOs are here, while offering a mind-blowing fictional take on the reasons why. A riveting pause-resister packed with nonstop action, epic ideas, and astonishing twists. Ripped from today's headlines, Unidentified is the latest thriller from the NY Times best-selling author whose books have sold more than two million copies. Between 2017 and 2021, the US military admitted to having undeniable evidence that UFOs (now UAVs or UAPs) are here and defy the laws of physics. When Jason Ramsey, a popular science-fiction writer, becomes obsessed with the subject, he undertakes a relentless quest to uncover what is really going on. After recruiting Tessa Barrett, an extraordinarily talented mercenary, Jason devises a risky, desperate plan to get to the bottom of it all. But the truth is far more shocking, convoluted, and dangerous than anyone could have guessed, and he has no idea who he can trust. Jason soon realizes that he can only be certain of two things. He somehow holds the key to the future of the galaxy itself...and his chances of living out the week are vanishingly small.

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Douglas E. Richards è un Autore di LibraryThing, un autore che cataloga la sua biblioteca personale su LibraryThing.

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