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The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food (1985)

di Stan Berenstain, Jan Berenstain

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2,687255,608 (3.74)10
Mama Bear starts a campaign to convince her family that they are eating too much junk food.
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Ms and Mx liked it. A story about the importance of eating healthfully.
  Mx2018 | May 5, 2024 |
This book from the Berenstain Bears series focuses on brother and sister bear are eating too much junk food and they are gaining weight. Mama bear is getting rid of all of the junk food in the house food and wants to replace it with healthy food.

I am kind of torn about the ideas in this book. It is important to teach children to make healthier choices and to be active! I don't think anyone can deny the power of healthy eating and exercise. But at the same time I do not think that the book goes about it the right away. Multiple times the story, the story points out that papa bear and both siblings are overweight and that it is bad. The book singles them out. I do not think this a good lesson for children. It is important to teach children about healthy eating but I am not sure if singling people out is the way to go about it. At one point in the story a doctor grabs papa bear's stomach and pinches it to point out that he has a lot of stored fat. I found this kind of strange too. It should be about being healthy, not just about how much you weigh. ( )
  KailiMarion | Oct 1, 2018 |
This book is about the Berenstain bears and how they realize that they are starting to gain weight because of their bad eating habits. They decide to go visit the doctor and he tells them all about what to do eat and how to take care of their bodies. At the end of the book, the entire bear family runs in a race together and is eating healthy snacks. I like this book for teaching students how to live a balanced lifestyle. The book talks about how to change your bad eating habits to good ones and how to get active with friends and family.
  arikacosta | Dec 13, 2016 |
the berenstain bears spend too much time eating junk food and watching TV. Mama bear tells the family no more junk food and they are going to start being healthy. the book discusses the different foods that one should eat to stay healthy.
2 books
  TUCC | Sep 9, 2016 |
This was a favorite book of mine as a child. I loved the entire Berenstain Bears series, and considered myself an avid collector of them. Out of all of the books in the series, I considered this one my favorite. If I had read this book for the first time as an adult, I wouldn’t be able to tell you what made it so appealing. However, because I read it as a child, I can tell you exactly what it was. I LOVED the illustrations. I loved seeing all the junk food laid out on the table and imagining myself eating it all. I especially liked the front cover, where each of the letters in “junk food” was made out of a different junk food. Looking back, I probably couldn’t have told you what the book was about without reading it again. However, I could describe each of those illustrations in great detail. I never knew how important illustrations were in a children’s book until I realized just how much I took from the pictures in “Too Much Junk Food.” They are colorful, fun, and generally appealing to the eye of a child. Overall, I give the book a 5 out of 5, if only for the illustrations. The main idea of this book is displayed in the title- there is a thing as too much junk food! ( )
  lmcswe1 | Nov 30, 2014 |
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Berenstain, Stanautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Berenstain, Janautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
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Healthy Food is good
for Brother, Sis, and Dad ...
How can Mom make them stop
eating food that is bad?
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Bear Country, where the Bear family lived in the big tree house down a sunny dirt road, was a happy place. And a healthy place.
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Mama Bear starts a campaign to convince her family that they are eating too much junk food.

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