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New England white di Stephen L. Carter
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New England white (edizione 2007)

di Stephen L. Carter

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7662030,467 (3.48)29
Fiction. African American Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. HTML:With the powers of observation and richness of plot and character, the author of The Emperor of Ocean Park returns to the New England university town of Elm Harbor, where a murder begins to crack the veneer that has hidden the racial complications of the town’s past, the secrets of a prominent family, and the most hidden bastions of African-American political influence. And at the center: Lemaster Carlyle, the university president, and his wife, Julia Carlyle, a deputy dean at the divinity school–African Americans living in “the heart of whiteness.”

Lemaster is an old friend of the president of the United States. Julia was the murdered man’s lover years ago. The meeting point of these connections forms the core of a mystery that deepens even as Julia closes in on the politically earth-shattering motive behind the murder.

Relentlessly suspenseful, galvanizing in its exploration of the profound difference between allegiance to ideas and to people, NEW ENGLAND WHITE is a resounding confirmation of Stephen Carter’s gifts as a writer of fiction.
… (altro)
Titolo:New England white
Autori:Stephen L. Carter
Info:New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2007. p. cm. 1st ed
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Bianco americano di Stephen L. Carter

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Non sono riuscita ad andare oltre pagina 30. Un mattone micidiale. ( )
  dalle8alle5 | Oct 13, 2009 |
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Why does everybody pick on the economists? They've correctly predicted thirteen of the past five recessions!

--Familiar campus joke
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For Annette Windom
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Rumors chase the dead like flies, and we follow them with our prim noses.
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Fiction. African American Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. HTML:With the powers of observation and richness of plot and character, the author of The Emperor of Ocean Park returns to the New England university town of Elm Harbor, where a murder begins to crack the veneer that has hidden the racial complications of the town’s past, the secrets of a prominent family, and the most hidden bastions of African-American political influence. And at the center: Lemaster Carlyle, the university president, and his wife, Julia Carlyle, a deputy dean at the divinity school–African Americans living in “the heart of whiteness.”

Lemaster is an old friend of the president of the United States. Julia was the murdered man’s lover years ago. The meeting point of these connections forms the core of a mystery that deepens even as Julia closes in on the politically earth-shattering motive behind the murder.

Relentlessly suspenseful, galvanizing in its exploration of the profound difference between allegiance to ideas and to people, NEW ENGLAND WHITE is a resounding confirmation of Stephen Carter’s gifts as a writer of fiction.

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5 13

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