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Dyed and Buried

di Livia Day

Serie: Fashionably Late (1)

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11Nessuno1,769,577 (3.9)Nessuno
If you love murder mysteries & second-hand fashion, this is the new cozy crime series for you.Meet Samantha Sullivan, a former wedding planner trying to put her life back together with a new job at the friendly beachfront boutique Fashionably Late.After Sam is sent to collect fifteen wedding dresses from a dead man's estate, the strangest week of her life begins to unfold. Who is the anonymous designer Chameleon? Was Ethan Brady's death a genuine accident, or a sinister hit-and-run? Where is pop star Colette Cray's dress, and why is her hot bodyguard so desperate to find it? Whose shirt is splattered with suspicious green dye?If Sam and her friends don't solve this crime of fashion, someone will get away with murder...This is a brand new light-hearted Tasmanian cozy mystery from the author of A Trifle Dead, Drowned Vanilla and Keep Calm & Kill the Chef.… (altro)
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If you love murder mysteries & second-hand fashion, this is the new cozy crime series for you.Meet Samantha Sullivan, a former wedding planner trying to put her life back together with a new job at the friendly beachfront boutique Fashionably Late.After Sam is sent to collect fifteen wedding dresses from a dead man's estate, the strangest week of her life begins to unfold. Who is the anonymous designer Chameleon? Was Ethan Brady's death a genuine accident, or a sinister hit-and-run? Where is pop star Colette Cray's dress, and why is her hot bodyguard so desperate to find it? Whose shirt is splattered with suspicious green dye?If Sam and her friends don't solve this crime of fashion, someone will get away with murder...This is a brand new light-hearted Tasmanian cozy mystery from the author of A Trifle Dead, Drowned Vanilla and Keep Calm & Kill the Chef.

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Tansy Rayner Roberts è un Autore di LibraryThing, un autore che cataloga la sua biblioteca personale su LibraryThing.

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