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All the Seas of the World di Guy Gavriel Kay
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All the Seas of the World (edizione 2023)

di Guy Gavriel Kay (Autore)

Serie: Batiara (2)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
3451577,836 (4.06)33
"Returning triumphantly to the brilliantly evoked near-Renaissance world of A Brightness Long Ago and Children of Earth and Sky, international bestselling author Guy Gavriel Kay deploys his signature "quarter turn to the fantastic" to tell a story of vengeance, power, and love. On a dark night along a lonely stretch of coast, a small ship sends two people ashore. Their purpose is assassination. They have been hired by two of the most dangerous men alive to alter the balance of power in the world. If they succeed, the consequences will affect the destinies of empires, and lives both great and small. One of those arriving at that beach is a woman abducted by corsairs as a child and sold into years of servitude. Having escaped, she is trying to chart her own course-and is bent upon revenge. Another is a seafaring merchant who still remembers being exiled as a child with his family from their home, for their faith, a moment that never leaves him. In what follows, through a story both intimate and epic, unforgettable characters are immersed in the fierce and deadly struggles that define their time. All the Seas of the World is a page-turning drama that also offers moving reflections on memory, fate, and the random events that can shape our lives-in the past, and today"--… (altro)
Titolo:All the Seas of the World
Autori:Guy Gavriel Kay (Autore)
Info:Berkley (2023), Edition: Reprint, 528 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, Read
Etichette:fiction, ebook

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All the Seas of the World di Guy Gavriel Kay

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» Vedi le 33 citazioni

I enjoyed traveling with these people. ( )
  DDtheV | Mar 23, 2024 |
Another story set in and around Batiara.

Still very introspective, the story focusses on a Kindath and Jaddite captain and co-owners of a corsair ship. Commissioned by the equivalent of our world's Redbeard to assassinate the ruler of a 'Magrebi' city, the story follows their subsequent careers.

I did feel the story featured rather too much introspection, but it was still a good read.

  Maddz | Nov 18, 2023 |
A little too deliberately reflective--as if Kay felt he needed to tie up every single minor story line and turn it into a parable--for it to be one of my favorites of his works. But not-my-favorite Kay is still a very good book. ( )
  TadAD | Oct 19, 2023 |
All the Seas of the World tells the story of Rafel, a maritime Jewish merchant, and his partner Lenia, an escaped Muslim slave, as they navigate their way through the tense politics of the Mediterranean after the fall of Constantinople. The story begins with the protagonists abetting the assassination of one Muslim ruler by another--a scheme that is at the same time wildly successful and also not. Their involvement, and the spoils thereof, gets the attention of many of the notables of Italy, and soon the once-outcasts are hobknobbing with condottieri and dukes who find their presence useful for their own schemes. As with most of Kay's works, the strength of this story lies not in the plot itself but rather in the depth of the character development and the immersive political settings. While this one started a bit slow as the reader learns about the characters, it ultimately did not disappoint as I found myself intensely interested in the doings of even the minor characters. ( )
  Phrim | Jun 16, 2023 |
A little too self indulgent to be one of his truly great books.
All the seas of the world takes place in the same universe as the Serantium books, The Lions of Al-Rassan, and Kays most recent books A brightness long ago and Children of earth and sky. As the two latter, it takes place in a renaissance Europe around the Mediterranean, mainly the city states of Italy.

The book has quite a lot of (unnecessary) in-universe references, to the point that it interferes with the reading. Maybe it is meant as a sort of hat-tip to the regular readers, as a kind of fan service, but it comes across as self-indulgent, and as if the book is propped up by its predecessors, and may not be strong enough to stand on its own.

The editorial asides are also rampant in this book. Long and frequent passages containing musings of the author that does not progresses the story, and becomes disruptive of the immersive reading experience.

The plotline is also quite unrealistic, in a very Mary Sue kind of way. The main characters manage to be in just the right place at the right time again and again, and get indulged by powerful allies in ways that does not make sense.

All that said, even though this is not Kay at his finest, the worldbuilding and characters are still engaging, and he did make me shed a tear at one point. ( )
  amberwitch | Mar 15, 2023 |
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Vance, SimonNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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"Returning triumphantly to the brilliantly evoked near-Renaissance world of A Brightness Long Ago and Children of Earth and Sky, international bestselling author Guy Gavriel Kay deploys his signature "quarter turn to the fantastic" to tell a story of vengeance, power, and love. On a dark night along a lonely stretch of coast, a small ship sends two people ashore. Their purpose is assassination. They have been hired by two of the most dangerous men alive to alter the balance of power in the world. If they succeed, the consequences will affect the destinies of empires, and lives both great and small. One of those arriving at that beach is a woman abducted by corsairs as a child and sold into years of servitude. Having escaped, she is trying to chart her own course-and is bent upon revenge. Another is a seafaring merchant who still remembers being exiled as a child with his family from their home, for their faith, a moment that never leaves him. In what follows, through a story both intimate and epic, unforgettable characters are immersed in the fierce and deadly struggles that define their time. All the Seas of the World is a page-turning drama that also offers moving reflections on memory, fate, and the random events that can shape our lives-in the past, and today"--

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