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Classics Illustrated CCS, No. 060: Benjamin Franklin

di Benjamin Franklin

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An illustrated biography of the life of Benjamin Franklin. Classics Illustrated tells the extraordinary life tale of Benjamin Franklin in colorful comic strip form, offering an excellent introduction for younger readers. This edition also includes a timeline of events surrounding Franklin's life and study questions, which can be used both in the classroom or at home to further engage the reader in the story. The Classics Illustrated comic book series began life in 1941 with its first issue, Alexandre Dumas' "The Three Musketeers", and has since included over 200 classic tales released around the world. This new edition is specifically tailored to engage and educate young readers with some of the greatest works ever written, while still thrilling older readers who have loving memories of this series of old. Each book contains dedicated theme discussions and study questions to further develop the reader's understanding and enjoyment of the work at hand.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daGenevaLakeland
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An illustrated biography of the life of Benjamin Franklin. Classics Illustrated tells the extraordinary life tale of Benjamin Franklin in colorful comic strip form, offering an excellent introduction for younger readers. This edition also includes a timeline of events surrounding Franklin's life and study questions, which can be used both in the classroom or at home to further engage the reader in the story. The Classics Illustrated comic book series began life in 1941 with its first issue, Alexandre Dumas' "The Three Musketeers", and has since included over 200 classic tales released around the world. This new edition is specifically tailored to engage and educate young readers with some of the greatest works ever written, while still thrilling older readers who have loving memories of this series of old. Each book contains dedicated theme discussions and study questions to further develop the reader's understanding and enjoyment of the work at hand.

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