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The Dance of the Dissident Daughter: A…
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The Dance of the Dissident Daughter: A Woman's Journey from Christian Tradition (edizione 2002)

di Sue Monk Kidd (Autore)

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1,2102016,899 (3.78)29
"A masterpiece of women's wisdom."-Christiane Northrup, M.D. "The journey to capture her feminine soul and live authentically . . . makes a fascinating, well-researched and well-written story."-Publishers Weekly In celebration of the twentieth anniversary of its publication, a newly reissued edition of the bestselling author's classic work of feminine spiritual discovery, with a new introduction by the author. "I was amazed to find that I had no idea how to unfold my spiritual life in a feminine way. I was surprised, and, in fact, a little terrified, when I found myself in the middle of a feminist spiritual reawakening."-Sue Monk Kidd For years, Sue Monk Kidd was a conventionally religious woman. Then, in the late 1980s, she experienced an unexpected awakening, and began a journey toward a feminine spirituality. With the exceptional storytelling skills that have helped make her name, Kidd tells her very personal story of the fear, anger, healing, and freedom she experienced on the path toward the wholeness that many women have lost in the church. From a jarring encounter with sexism in a suburban drugstore, to monastery retreats and to rituals in the caves of Crete, she reveals a new level of feminine spiritual consciousness for all women-one that retains a meaningful connection with the "deep song of Christianity," embraces the sacredness of ordinary women's experience, and has the power to transform in the most positive ways every fundamental relationship in a woman's life-her marriage, her career, and her religion.… (altro)
Titolo:The Dance of the Dissident Daughter: A Woman's Journey from Christian Tradition
Autori:Sue Monk Kidd (Autore)
Info:Harper-one (2002), Edition: Later Printing
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:spirituality vs religion, traditional view of women in religion, empowering women, MLIS 7300

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The Dance of the Dissident Daughter: A Woman's Journey from Christian Tradition to the Sacred Feminine di Sue Monk Kidd

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» Vedi le 29 citazioni

From a jarring encounter with sexism in a suburban drug store to monastery retreats and rituals in the caves of Crete, Kid takes readers through the fear, anger, healing, and transformation of her reawakening.
  PendleHillLibrary | Feb 22, 2024 |
Startling, Awakening book. I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that she is now a celebrated Christian writer. ( )
  Kim.Sasso | Aug 27, 2023 |
This book was very different to the other (fiction) novels which I have read from the author, and makes a lot more sense now (although not surprised) to learn of Sue Monk Kidd's religious and spiritual journey.

I enjoyed her in depth reference to other feminist and women scholars bringing to full circle the importance of exploring Goddess Spirituality.

The concept of "feminine spirituality" was mentioned a lot and I started to question its concept. I have often referenced women circles which I belong as "women's spirituality" but have not gendered spirituality itself.

It was an interesting reaction to find in myself.

I truly enjoyed learning about Kidd's journey and that she has taken such honesty and care to share it with the rest of us. I also felt a little self-congratulatory since I am already familiar with Jean Shinola Boden, Starhawk and many of the names which she shared. I am sure that had I read this book 20 years ago that would not have been the case, and this book could have been the portal to an entirely different realm.

The book did allow me a way to re-examine christianity in my present understanding and practice. ( )
  maitrigita | Nov 2, 2020 |
Startling, Awakening book. I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that she is now a celebrated Christian writer. ( )
  Kim_Sasso | Mar 14, 2018 |
It takes courage to reveal your spiritual journey, and this author bravely gives you a moving account of hers. I went to see the author in person, and I expected an outgoing, outspoken feminist. Instead I met a seemingly shy, reticent, but very strong woman willing to share her struggles and help others discover the feminine side of god that our patriarchal religions have minimized or erased. ( )
  vdunn | Apr 30, 2014 |
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I was listening to National Public Radio the other day when someone asked the question: "Once you wake up, can you wake up any more?"

It was autumn, and everything was turning loose.
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"A masterpiece of women's wisdom."-Christiane Northrup, M.D. "The journey to capture her feminine soul and live authentically . . . makes a fascinating, well-researched and well-written story."-Publishers Weekly In celebration of the twentieth anniversary of its publication, a newly reissued edition of the bestselling author's classic work of feminine spiritual discovery, with a new introduction by the author. "I was amazed to find that I had no idea how to unfold my spiritual life in a feminine way. I was surprised, and, in fact, a little terrified, when I found myself in the middle of a feminist spiritual reawakening."-Sue Monk Kidd For years, Sue Monk Kidd was a conventionally religious woman. Then, in the late 1980s, she experienced an unexpected awakening, and began a journey toward a feminine spirituality. With the exceptional storytelling skills that have helped make her name, Kidd tells her very personal story of the fear, anger, healing, and freedom she experienced on the path toward the wholeness that many women have lost in the church. From a jarring encounter with sexism in a suburban drugstore, to monastery retreats and to rituals in the caves of Crete, she reveals a new level of feminine spiritual consciousness for all women-one that retains a meaningful connection with the "deep song of Christianity," embraces the sacredness of ordinary women's experience, and has the power to transform in the most positive ways every fundamental relationship in a woman's life-her marriage, her career, and her religion.

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